Drill Mode Preferences

Use Drill Mode preferences to select default drill settings for reports. Drilling on a report is only possible if the report includes a drill map.


The following preferences are available:

Common Drill Preferences

Keep parent while drilling: Determine whether or not to display the original object on the new, drilled-to report when you drill to a different level. Alternatively, you can ensure that the drill settings stored in the report definition are enforced.



Use the settings stored in the report definition

Keep thresholds while drilling: Determine whether or not to display report thresholds on the new, drilled-to report when you drill. Alternatively, you can ensure that the drill settings stored in the report definition are enforced. This preference only takes effect if the original report contains thresholds.



Use the settings stored in the report definition

Open drill results in a new window: Determine whether or not to display the drilled-to report in a new window.

Report Services Drill Preferences

Drill within behavior: Determine how Drill Within paths are resolved:

Automatic: If the drill can be resolved with the base dataset, it is. Otherwise, a new report is opened.

Based on menu location: If the drill is performed in the first submenu level, then it is resolved within the base dataset. Otherwise, a new report is opened.

Always drill to new report: A new report is always opened.


Click Apply to save changes.


Note: Clicking Load Default Values will reset all preferences settings to defaults.

Related Topic

About drilling


