Drilling on Objects on the Page-by Axis

If report objects have been placed on the Page-by axis, you can drill on attributes or compound metrics on the Page-by axis. The Page-by axis appears above the report. For an introduction to page-by, see Grouping data by page: Page-by.


To drill on an attribute or compound metric on a report:

  1. Click the name of a report to execute it. The report must be in either Grid view or Grid and Graph view.

  2. On the Page-by axis, right-click the attribute or metric you want to drill from.

  3. From the right-click menu, point to Drill and select a drill path. A new report containing the drilled data is executed.

  4. To return to the original report results, click Back Back button above the report.
    : Pressing the Back button on your browser does not return you to the original report results.

Related Topics

Drilling on a grid report

Drilling on a graph report

Using the Drill panel


