Drilling on a Grid Report

Drilling lets you view report data at other levels than the one displayed in the report.

In addition to the drilling method described below, on some reports let you drill by simply clicking a hyperlink. If a hyperlink appears on a grid report, this is an object that has a default drilling option. Place your cursor over the hyperlink to see where the hyperlink (the drill path) takes you. Click the hyperlink to drill. A new report is displayed showing the drilled-to data. To return to the original report results, click Back Back button above the report.

To drill on a grid report:

  1. Click the name of a report to execute it, and answer any required prompts. The report must be in Grid view.

  2. Right-click an object, point to Drill, and select a drill path.

  3. You can select and drill on multiple objects at one time. For example, you can drill down on both the Year and Region attributes at the same time, so that the drilled-to report shows Quarter and City. To select multiple objects, press CTRL while left clicking on the objects.

  4. The drilled-to report is executed. To return to the original report results, click Back Back button above the report.

Note: Pressing the Back button on your browser does not return you to the original report results.

Related topics

Drilling on a graph report

Drilling on objects on the Page-by axis

Using the Drill panel


