Format dialog box (for metrics)

When you create or edit a metric, you can specify metric format properties such as the display of numeric values, font styles and sizes, and cell display colors. This formatting is used for the particular metric, regardless of the report on which it is placed. This is called metric level formatting, as opposed to formatting metrics at the individual report level. Formatting a metric at the report level overrides formatting at the metric level, except for graph colors, as described below.

You can create different formats for metric column headers (that is, the titles) and metric values (that is, the numbers calculated by the metric and displayed in the report).

You can specify the following formatting options:

Note: By default, the graph color that you define for a metric overrides any default color schemes for the graph report, although you can disable this metric formatting.


To format a metric:


This procedure assumes that you have created a metric. For instructions, see Creating a metric.

  1. If the metric is not already open, click the metric to edit it. Either the Function Editor or Formula Editor opens, depending on the type of metric.

  2. Click Format. The Format dialog box opens.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. From the list of categories on the left, select one of the following:

  5. To reset all the formatting for this metric to the default values, click Clear Format. This applies to both metric headers and metric values.

  6. When you have finished formatting the metric, click OK to save your changes and return to the Function Editor or Formula Editor, depending on the type of metric.

  7. Click Save to save the metric and its formatting.

Related topics

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor

Metric Formula Editor


