About Metrics

Metrics are  objects that represent business measures and key performance indicators. From a practical perspective, metrics are the calculations performed on data stored in your database, the results of which are displayed on a report. Metrics are similar to formulas in spreadsheet software.

In the example of a report that shows Refunds by  Store, Refund Count is the metric. Metric calculations can show information at simple levels as well as at complex levels, such as displaying trends, patterns, percent-to-total contributions, and comparative analysis. Questions such as "How many discounts were there in the East Region during the last 30 days?" and "How many employees made a purchase greater than $100 last week?" can easily be answered by creating metrics.

Specifically, metrics define the analytical calculations to be performed against data that is stored in the data source. A metric is made up of data source facts and the mathematical operations to be performed on those facts, so that meaningful business analysis can be performed on the results. A metric on a report shows a list of values used for analytical calculations.

For steps to create a metric, see Creating a metric.


Related topics

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor for creating a metric using fields and drop-down lists

Metric Formula Editor for creating a metric by typing the metric formula

Format Metric dialog box for steps to format a metric

Advanced Metric Options dialog box for descriptions of advanced metric settings, such as dynamic aggregation and subtotal functions, VLDB properties, metric aliases, and the metric join type


