Advanced Metric Options dialog box

The Advanced Metric Options dialog box allows you to specify a variety of different options for the metric, as described below:

Use Advanced Metric Options dialog box: General to select the dynamic aggregation function and whether the metric uses smart subtotals.

Use Advanced Metric Options dialog box: Subtotals to select the default subtotal function and the functions that are available to subtotal this metric on reports.

Use Advanced Metric Options dialog box: VLDB Properties to specify the VLDB properties to take advantage of unique, database-specific optimizations.

Use Advanced Metric Options dialog box: Column Options to specify an alias for the metric in temporary tables and select the metric's data type.

Use Advanced Metric Options dialog box: Joins to determine how the metric is joined to other metrics. For compound metrics, you can define how its multiple expressions or metrics are joined.


To access the Advanced Metric Options dialog box:


This procedure assumes that you have created a metric. For steps, see Creating a metric.

  1. If the metric is not already open, click the metric to edit it. Either the Function Editor or Formula Editor opens, depending on the type of metric.
  2. Click the Options button. This displays the Advanced Metric Options dialog box.

Related topics

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor

Metric Formula Editor


