Advanced Metric Options dialog box: General

The General options are described below:

Dynamic Aggregation function: Select the function used for dynamic aggregation, which is the rollup of metric values that occurs when an attribute is moved from the report grid to the Report Objects.

Dynamic aggregation allows you to change the level of report aggregation on-the-fly, while you are reviewing the report results. This feature allows metric values to be aggregated at different levels depending on the attributes included on the report without having to re-execute the report against the data warehouse. Dynamic aggregation occurs when the attributes included on the report layout changes. The attributes included on the report layout changes when you move an attribute or attribute form off of the report layout to the Report Objects pane, or when you move an attribute or attribute form from the Report Objects pane back onto the report layout. As what is included on the report layout changes, metric values are dynamically aggregated to the new level of the report.

Allow smart metric: Available for a compound metric. Select whether the metric uses smart subtotals or not.

The formula of a compound metric is based on arithmetic operators and non-group functions. A compound metric, at a high level, can be composed of multiple objects joined by arithmetic operators, such as Metric1/Metric2 or (Fact1 + Fact2)/Fact3. The subtotal of a compound metric can be calculated in different ways:

The first case uses smart subtotals, which calculate subtotals on the individual elements of a metric (also referred to as a smart metric). For example, the Avg Ticket metric is calculated as the Net Sales metric divided by the Trans Count metric. The Avg Ticket metric can be totaled as follows:


This procedure assumes that you have created a metric. For steps, see Creating a metric.

To access the Advanced Metric Options: General dialog box:

  1. If the metric is not already open, click the metric to edit it. Either the Function Editor or Formula Editor opens, depending on the type of metric.

  2. Click the Options button. This displays the Advanced Metric Options dialog box.

  3. In the list of categories on the left, click General.

Related topics

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor

Metric Formula Editor


