Advanced Metric Options dialog box: Subtotals

Subtotals allow you to display totals on a report by selecting an aggregation function. When you create a metric, you determine which subtotals are available for that metric. A user who runs a report with that metric can then choose which of those subtotals to display on the report, as described in Displaying and hiding grand totals and subtotals.

The Subtotals options allow you to select the functions used to calculate report subtotals for this metric. The following options are available:

Function for default subtotal: Select the default function to use to calculate report subtotals.

Select the subtotals you want available for this metric: Select the functions that can be used to calculate subtotals for the metric. To do this, click  next to Select the subtotals you want available for this metric. Select the subtotals that you want to be able to use for this metric on reports; clear the subtotals that you do not want to use.


To access the Advanced Metric Options: Subtotals dialog box:


This procedure assumes that you have created a metric. For steps, see Creating a metric.

  1. If the metric is not already open, click the metric to edit it. Either the Function Editor or Formula Editor opens, depending on the type of metric.

  2. Click the Options button. This displays the Advanced Metric Options dialog box.

  3. In the list of categories on the left, click Subtotals.

Related topics

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor

Metric Formula Editor


