Advanced Metric Options dialog box: Joins

The join type selected for a metric determines the way in which data from joined columns is to be displayed. Setting the join here, at the metric level, determines how the metric is joined to other metrics. This setting affects the results for all reports using the metric. However, you can override this metric join setting for a particular report.

A compound metric contains multiple expressions or metrics, and you can define how these elements are joined. This is called the formula join type.

The following metric join options are available:

Metric join: Determine how data is included in the metric.

Metric formula join: Determine how the elements in a compound metric are joined. This option is available for compound metrics.

To access the Advanced Metric Options: Joins dialog box:


This procedure assumes that you have created a metric. For steps, see Creating a metric.


  1. If the metric is not already open, click the metric to edit it. Either the Function Editor or Formula Editor opens, depending on the type of metric.

  2. Click the Options button. This displays the Advanced Metric Options dialog box.

  3. In the list of categories on the left, click Joins.

Related topics

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric for steps to create a metric

Metric Function Editor

Metric Formula Editor


