Level Advanced Options dialog box

By default, metrics are evaluated at the level of the attributes on the report; this is called the report level. For example, a Net Sales metric is set to the report level. When the metric is placed on a report containing Region, the metric calculates regional net sales. When it is placed on a report containing Customer, the net sales is calculated for each customer.

You can set the level within the metric, allowing you to specify the attributes to use in the metric calculation, regardless of what is contained on any report the metric is placed upon. For instructions, see Level metrics.

By default, the metric filter is applied to the metric calculation by including in the metric calculation any filter attributes that are not on the report or in the level. You can instead exclude filter attributes, so that filter attributes that are not on the report or in the level of the metric are not included in the metric calculation. This can help you re-use the same metric in multiple reports. Excluding filter attributes can help you reuse the same metric in multiple reports. When a metric excludes filter attributes, the parts of the metric filter that are applied depend on what is included on the report. This eliminates the need to create and maintain multiple metrics, particularly if the metric and filter qualifications are complex.


To define the advanced level options for a metric:


This procedure assumes that you have created a level metric.

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click the Level Advanced Options icon Level Advanced Options dialog box next to the Level field. This displays the Level Advanced Options dialog box.

  3. The Allow other users to add extra units to this definition option indicates whether the metric accepts dimensionality units. It is applied to metrics used at the template level and metrics used in the filter for a metric qualification. This dimensionality is merged with the original units to complete the metric level.

  4. By default, the Include filter attributes which are not in report or level in metric calculation option is selected, which applies the metric filter to the metric calculation. You can instead exclude filter attributes, so that filter attributes that are not on the report or in the level of the metric are not included in the metric calculation. This can help you re-use the same metric in multiple reports.

  5. Click OK to return to the Function Editor and continue creating the metric, beginning here.

Related topics

Level metrics for steps to create a level metric

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric that uses a grouping function for steps to create a metric


