Level Options dialog box

A level metric allows you to specify the attributes to use in the metric calculation, regardless of what is contained on any report the metric is placed upon. For an example and steps to create a level metric, see Level metrics.

To create a level metric, you first select the target, which is the attribute level at which the metric is calculated. By default, the metric calculates only for the elements found in the filter definition (standard relationship with the report filter) and aggregates by grouping by the target attribute (standard metric aggregation). The options in the Level Options dialog box allow you to determine how the metric is calculated by specifying how the metric interacts with the report filter and how metric values are grouped, as described below:

Relationship with report filter: Filtering governs how the report filter interacts with the metric calculation. The filtering options are:

The following options are only used for nonaggregatable metrics. A nonaggregatable metric is one that should not be aggregated across an attribute.

    1. Beginning lookup uses the first value of the lookup table.

      Ending lookup uses the last value of the lookup table.

      Beginning fact uses the first value of the fact table.

      Ending fact uses the last value contained in the fact table.

A target, report filter relationship, and metric aggregations combination composes one level unit.


Note: Since level metrics are a complex subject, they are only briefly described in this topic.


Related topics

Level metrics for steps to create a level metric

About metrics for background information about metrics in general

Creating a metric that uses a grouping function for steps to create a metric


