Simple Searches

Use the search field located near the top right corner of the screen to search the application using keywords. Using this search field anywhere in the application will return results which include that term anywhere in the name of any folder, report, or object name. 


The default maximum number of reports and folders returned in any search is set at 50 results, but can be changed by the administrator.


In the example, the term New Report is entered in the field.

Clicking Search icon submits the search, which returns results from the entire site, and displays them on the Search page.


Results, if any, appear in the bottom of the screen, while search details and options appear in the top.


Search Details

This section displays information regarding the current search, such as locations and object types searched.


The default option is to search In all folders. If too many results are returned, select to search in either Shared Reports or My Reports and click Search again.


If no results are returned, try using an advanced search. For tips to run an effective search, see Using correct and efficient search syntax.


Related topics

Advanced Searches

Using correct and efficient search syntax


