Advanced Searches

Use the advanced search functionality to locate objects by detail such as the date an object was created or modified, the owner of the object, and what type of object it is.

To create an advanced search:

  1. In the Simple search screen, click Advanced. Note that the search options selected in the simple search are carried over to the advanced search screen. Select an option from the drop-down list below the Search For field. The options are:

Contains: Search for an object that contains the search text. For example, enter cas to view Cashier and Cash.

Exactly: locate an object that matches the search text exactly. For example, enter South in the Search For field to display objects with South, but not Southeast or Southwest.

Begins with: locate an object that begins with the search text. For example, enter Sales to view Sales Count, but not Net Sales.

Ends with: locate an object that ends with the search text. For example, enter Sales in the Search For field to view Net Sales but not Sales Count.

Change the search location if desired. The default option is to search In all folders. If too many results are returned, select to search in either Shared Reports or My Reports and click Search again.


To specify the type of object to search for, such as reports, documents, and folders, select the object types you want to search for under Object type. Multiple object types can be included in the search. Click to select as many, or as few Object Types to include in the search as is necessary.


To exclude dates or date ranges in the search, leave Final all objects selected.

To focus the search, first click to activate the second Find all objects. Then, from the drop-down menu, select one of the following:

Created to locate an object created at a specific time.

Modified to locate an object modified at a specific time.

To search for an object created during a specific unit of time, select During the previous.

Enter a number then select the unit from the drop-down list. For example, to search for objects created in the last three years, enter 3 and select the unit Year.


To search for an object created between two specified dates, select Between, then select the two dates from the calendar.


To search for an object created by a specific user, select one of the following:

Created only by me: Search for objects created only by the user who is currently logged in.

Created by any user: Search for objects created by anyone in the project.

To search for an object that contain specific text in its description, type the text in the Description includes field.


By default, shortcut objects are not included in the search results, but their targets are. To include shortcut objects in the search, clear the Resolve shortcuts to target objects check box.

For example, a project contains the Sales Productivity report, and two shortcuts to the report, one named Productivity Sales and one named Sales Productivity Shortcut.


Search for objects named Productivity Sales and:

Select Resolve shortcuts to target objects to check both the shortcut name and the target name (the original report name) of shortcuts against the search term with the following results:

Clear Resolve shortcuts to target objects so the shortcuts are treated as independent objects, and only the shortcut names are compared with the search term.

Related Topics

Searching for objects: Simple search

Using efficient search syntax


