Creating a Shortcut to an Object

You can create shortcuts to reports, documents, folders, and other objects. Shortcuts are helpful when you want quick access to an object that is stored in a different location, but you do not want to create multiple copies of the object. For example, if you have a folder in which you commonly create reports, and you frequently add one attribute to most reports, you can create a shortcut to that attribute, placing the shortcut within your reports folder. This makes it easy to locate the frequently used attribute where you most commonly use it. The icon that represents a shortcut to an object looks similar to the following image, which shows a shortcut to a graph report Graph Report icon. The small arrow in the corner of the graph report icon indicates this is a shortcut to the original graph report object.


Creating a shortcut to an object is different from copying an object. A shortcut is only a reference to an object, not a separate copy of it.

To create a shortcut to an object:

  1. Navigate to the folder that contains the object for which you want to create a shortcut.

  2. Right-click the object and select Create Shortcut. This displays the Create Shortcut dialog box.

  3. Navigate to the folder in which to create the new shortcut and click OK. The shortcut is created in the specified folder.

By default, the name of the shortcut is the same as the name of the object. To rename the shortcut, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the object and select Rename. A field with the shortcut's name is displayed.

  2. Enter a new name for the object and click the Apply icon Apply icon. The name of the shortcut is updated.

Related topics

Copying an object

Renaming an object

Moving an object

Deleting an object


