Creating a Percent-to-Total Shortcut Metric

Shortcut metrics are a quick way to add new metrics based on the existing metrics of a report. Percent-to-total shortcut metrics display the percent in relation to a selected total of each item affected by the metric. Use a percent-to-total shortcut metric to show values as percents of an accumulated row or column total. The metric can also total by page, for each value of the attribute, or the grand total.


The following conditions apply to percent-to-total shortcut metrics:

To create a percent-to-total shortcut metric:

  1. Run a report in either Grid view or Grid and Graph view.

  2. Right-click the metric column(s) or row(s) to see displayed as percents of a total.

  3. Select Insert Metric and point to Percent To Total. A menu opens with the following options. Select the portions of the report for which percent-to-total data is to be displayed:

    Over Rows: Displays values in each row of the report as percents of a row total.

    Over Columns: Displays values in each column as percents of a column total.

    Page Total: Displays all values on a page as percents of that page's total. This is only displayed if there is an object in the Page-by field.

    Grand Total: Displays all values in a report as percents of the grand total for that report.

    Total for Each: Displays all values pertaining to a given report component (an attribute, for example) as percents of the total accumulated for that component.

  4. A new column of metric values is displayed on the report.

Related topics:

Creating rank shortcut metrics

Creating a transformation shortcut metric


