Creating a Transformation Shortcut Metric

Shortcut metrics are a quick way to add new metrics based on a report's existing metrics.


Transformation shortcut metrics apply offset values, such as "four months ago," to the selected attribute. The offset value is called a transformation. Use transformation shortcut metrics to compare current values for a given metric against corresponding values for that metric across a time period. For example, if you add a Last Year transformation to a revenue metric, the new shortcut metric calculates last year's revenue.



To create a transformation shortcut metric:

  1. Run a report in either Grid view or Grid and Graph view.

  2. Right-click the metric  column(s) or row(s) to use to create a transformation metric.

  3. Select Insert Metric and point to Transformation. A menu opens with the following options. Select the transformation interval in which the selected column or row is to be displayed:

Normal: Displays unit figures for both the current values and corresponding values for the interval selected.

Variance: Calculates the difference between current values and corresponding values for the interval selected, for example, Revenue - (Last Year's (Revenue)).

Variance Percentage: Calculates the difference between current values and corresponding values for the interval selected, expressed as a percentage. For example, Revenue - (Last Year's (Revenue))/(Last Year's (Revenue)).

A new column of metric values is displayed on the report.

Related topics

Creating a percent-to-total shortcut metric

Creating rank shortcut metrics


