History List Overview

The results of scheduled reports/documents in the History List appear as archived results of data that reflects the data that was current when the report/document was executed and stored in the History List.


Documents are usually composed of multiple reports, and each report in each document is counted as one entry in the History List. Therefore, a document takes up more available space in the History List  than a report does. Report/document results do not remain in the History List  indefinitely. The number of reports and documents that each user can have in the History List  and the length of time they remain there are defined by the administrator.


If a report/document is scheduled to arrive in the History List frequently, the report's results may appear multiple times in the History List especially if the list is not checked daily.


This overview offers a description of the screen, tools, and functionality available on the History List page.

In any column, click to sort the column in ascending or descending order.


Use the tools in the History List to refresh the list, Show Children, and Close the list.

Click  to refresh the list.

Click Show children reports for documents icon to view the children reports for documents

Click  to close the list


Click any link in the list to view the report or document.


Reports and documents may be in one of several statuses:

The Message Creation Time displays the view of the data at the time the report was run.


Use the tools in this column to export or edit the report:

Click  to export the report.

Click PDF icon to pdf the report as a pdf.

Click  Details icon to view report details. Some fields may not be displayed if the information is not available; for example, not all reports have a filter applied to them.

Click to rename the history list message.


Click to select the check box for any report, then click Remove to remove that report from the results. This does not delete the report or the subscription.

Related topics  

Adding reports and documents to the History List

Exporting Reports and Documents

Maintaining the History List

Subscribing to a report


