Adding and Removing Datasets from a Quick Dashboard

Once you have created a Visual Insight quick dashboard, you can add or remove datasets from the quick dashboard. Datasets are reports or Intelligent Cubes that define which information the Intelligence Server retrieves from the data source or cache. This information can include attributes, custom groups, consolidations, and metrics. When you create a quick dashboard, you must provide the data that appears in the quick dashboard by selecting a dataset.

If you remove a dataset, some controls on the quick dashboard may contain data that is no longer available from the dataset. These controls will be updated and will no longer contain data from the removed dataset. For example, if a visualization contains attributes and metrics from a report, and the report is removed from the visualization, the visualization is cleared and no longer contains any data.

You can create quick dashboards that display data from more than one dataset. For example, you can create a Grid visualization that displays data from a report with inventory information, and a Graph visualization that displays data from a report with sales information. Each visualization in a quick dashboard can contain data from only one dataset; however, a quick dashboard can contain many visualizations, each displaying data from a different dataset in the quick dashboard.

A quick dashboard created using an Intelligent Cube as a dataset can contain data from a single Intelligent Cube at a time. To create a quick dashboard with data from more than one Intelligent Cube, or to display data from an Intelligent Cube and a report in the same quick dashboard, first create a separate Intelligent Cube report for each Intelligent Cube from which you want to include data. You can then add your Intelligent Cube reports to the quick dashboard as additional datasets, as described in the steps below. For steps to create an Intelligent Cube report, see Creating a report that accesses an Intelligent Cube.


To add a dataset report to a quick dashboard

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Add Dataset icon . The Select Dataset dialog box opens.

  3. To add an existing dataset report to the quick dashboard, navigate to and select the report you want to add. You can select multiple reports at once by pressing CTRL as you select each report. Click OK. The quick dashboard is updated.

To remove a dataset from a quick dashboard

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the drop-down list in the Dataset Objects panel, select the dataset you want to remove.

  3. Hover the cursor over the name of the Dataset Objects panel, then click the arrow icon in the top right. Select Remove Dataset, then click OK. The dataset is removed from the quick dashboard.

Related topics

About Visual Insight

Creating a Visual Insight quick dashboard


