Adding, Editing, and Removing Text in a Quick Dashboard

Once you have created a quick dashboard, you can add text to the quick dashboard, format or size the text, and so on. Steps to perform each task are below.


To add a text field to a quick dashboard

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Insert Text Field. The text field is automatically added to the quick dashboard.

  3. In the field, type the text you want to display.

  4. Hover the cursor over the text field, then click the arrow icon in the top right. A floating toolbar is displayed, containing formatting options such as font type and font size. Select the appropriate options to format your text.

  5. When you are finished editing the text field, press ENTER to apply your changes.

To edit a text field

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. Click the text you want to edit, then type the text you want to display.

  3. Click the icon in the top, right corner of the text field to display a toolbar with formatting options, such as font type and font size. Select the appropriate options to format your text.

  4. When you are finished editing the text field, press ENTER to apply your changes.

To remove a text field from a quick dashboard

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. Hover the cursor over the text field you want to delete, then click the arrow icon displayed to the right. A list of options is displayed.

  3. Click the x icon. A message is displayed asking you to confirm your choice.

  4. Click OK. The text field is removed from the quick dashboard.

To size a text field

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. Hover the cursor over the edge of the text field you want to size. Click and drag the edge to size the text field.

Related topics

    1. About Visual Insight

    2. Creating a Visual Insight quick dashboard


