Using a visualization to filter the data displayed in another visualization

Once you have added visualizations to a dashboard, you can enable users to filter, drill on, or select values in one visualization (the source) to update the data displayed in another visualization (the target) on the same page. (A page is a layer of data on a sheet. The data on all the pages on a sheet is filtered in the same way. For background information, see Adding, modifying, and deleting pages in a dashboard.)

For example, a page contains two visualizations, the Regional Revenue bar graph and State Revenue and Profit grid. (Not all the states are shown in the sample to save space.)

When you click Mid-Atlantic in the Regional Revenue graph, the State Revenue and Profit grid is filtered to include only those states in the Mid-Atlantic region, as shown below. Mid-Atlantic in the Regional Revenue graph is highlighted to indicate that it is selected.

You can also select multiple attribute values in the source visualization. In the example below, both Northeast and Northwest are selected in the Regional Revenue visualization, so all the states belonging to those regions are displayed in the State Revenue and Profit visualization.

You can enable users to:

Filter data in the source visualization to update the data displayed in one or more target visualizations. For example, the source visualization contains a list of product categories. When a user filters data in the source to include only data for the Movies category, the data in the target is automatically updated to display only data for Movies. Filtering data in the target does not affect the data displayed in the source. A user can:

For steps to add a filter on a visualization, see Creating a filter on the data in a visualization or another filter. For steps to filter a visualization, see Filtering data in a visualization.

For steps to drill on a visualization, see Analyzing data using visualizations in a dashboard.


To enable a visualization to update the data displayed in another visualization:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. Hover the cursor over the visualization to use as the source, then click the arrow icon in the top right. Select Use as Filter. The Filtering Options dialog box opens.

  3. Under Use VisualizationName to filter the following targets,  where VizualizationName is the name of the source visualization, select the check box next to each visualization to use as a target. (The source is the visualization that you filter or drill; the target is the visualization that is updated.)

  4. Select one of the following from the drop-down list next to Data on selection:

  1. If a second drop-down list is displayed next to the Enable filtering on selection option, the visualization was configured in a previous version to allow users to update data in the target by filtering or drilling on a single, specific attribute in the source. Select one of the following:

  1. If you selected Filter, you can enable users to clear their selection in the source visualization and display the data for all values at the same time in any target visualizations. For example, if the source is a grid that allows users to select from values of Year to filter data in the target, the user can click the Year header to display data for all years at the same time in the target. Do one of the following:

  1. Click OK to apply your changes.

Related topics

Filtering or highlighting the data in a visualization based on selections in another visualization

About visualizations

Limiting the data displayed in a dashboard: Filters, sheets, and pages


