Dashboard Editor: Graph: Properties

You can select formatting options for a Graph visualization, such as whether to display trend or reference lines, whether to display data labels, and font and color options for text in a graph. From the drop-down list at the top of the panel, determine what part of the graph to format. See the appropriate section below for formatting options:

Data Exploration options

The Data Exploration options contain general graph formatting options to determine how to display graph axes, whether to display labels for graph items, and so on. The Trend and Reference Lines options also contain general graph formatting that applies to the entire graph.

Trend Lines options

Reference Lines options

Title and Container options

Legend options

Axis Lines and Labels options

Rows and Columns options

Shapes and Data Labels options

If you are formatting the visualization in Formatting Mode, you can also click an area of the graph to format it. The appropriate formatting options are automatically displayed in the Properties panel. For background information on Formatting Mode, see Editing a visualization in Formatting Mode.

Data Exploration options

The Data Exploration options contain general graph formatting options to determine how to display graph axes, whether to display labels for graph items, and so on. The following options are available:

Axis Configuration: From the drop-down list, select the metrics to specify axis formatting options for, as follows:

Axis Scale: To determine how to display the axes for the metrics selected in the Axis Scale For drop-down list above, select one of the following:

Log Scale: Determine whether to display the graph using a logarithmic scale. This can improve the display of data that follows a logarithmic trend.

Axis Origin: Define a custom axis origin value for any metric. For example, you can use this option to display a scatter plot on an axis that divides the graph into four quadrants. By default, the value is determined automatically. To define a custom value, clear the check box and type the numeric value at which to begin displaying the axis values.

Max Size: Specify how the application determines the maximum size of graph items in the visualization. By default, it attempts to automatically size graph items in the visualization to optimize the graph display. For example, in a bubble graph, it  attempts to display large bubbles for large metric values and small bubbles for small metric values, without hiding smaller bubbles under large ones if they overlap. From the drop-down list, select one of the following:

Min Size: Specify how the application determines the minimum size of graph items in the visualization. From the drop-down list, select one of the following: (Available if there is a metric in the Size By area.)

Fit To: Determine how to size the visualization. From the drop-down list, select one of the following:

Banding on Rows: Apply color banding to alternating rows in the visualization. Banding rows can make reading multiple rows of data easier for the user.

All Graph Fonts: Use the options for standard font formatting to format all the text in the graph.


You can define additional formatting options, such as how to display the attribute form names and how null and zero metric values are hidden. To access these options, click More Options. For detailed descriptions of these options, see More Options dialog box.

Trend Lines options

Trend lines are not available for stacked or clustered graphs for which there is more than one metric series displayed in the graph, or for percent graphs. At least one axis must have numeric values displayed on it.

For the following types of graphs, use the drop-down list to select the metric to use to display the trend line:

The following options are available to define the trend lines in a Graph visualization:

Reference Lines options

The following options are available to format the reference lines in a Graph visualization. The options below are available if there is a metric on the X or Y axis. Reference lines are not available for 100% stacked graphs.

Title and Container options

The following options are available to format the title, background, and borders in a Graph visualization:

Legend options

The following options are available to format the legend in a Graph visualization. (Available if the visualization contains a legend.)

Axis Lines and Labels options

The following options are available to format the graph axes in a Graph visualization.

Rows and Columns options

The following options are available to format the rows and columns of graphs in a Graph visualization.

Shapes and Data Labels options

The following options are available to format the graph items, such as graph markers and data labels, in a Graph visualization.

To select formatting options for a Graph visualization:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it. Click the visualization you want to format.

  2. On the Properties panel, select the appropriate options to format the visualization, as described in the sections above. Note: If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, ensure that Properties Panel is selected. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.


