Dashboard Editor: Network: Properties

Once you create a Network visualization, you can select options to customize the display of the visualization, such as the size of the font used to show labels for nodes in the visualization, whether to display an animation when switching between node layout styles, and so on.

From the drop-down list at the top of the panel, determine what part of the visualization to format. See the appropriate section below for formatting options:

Data Exploration options

Title and Container options

Legend options

Data Exploration options

The following general formatting options are available to format node labels, node edges, the display theme for the visualization, and so on:

Show Node Label: Show descriptive labels for nodes in the visualization.

Show Edge Direction: Display edges in the visualization as arrows to show the node at which each edge starts and ends.

Show Animation Transition: Show an animation when a user changes the layout style used to display nodes in the visualization. To improve dashboard performance, the animation is not displayed on mobile devices if the number of edges in the visualization exceeds 300.

Node Size Aggregation: Select the function you want to use to aggregate the metric values used to determine node size in the visualization.

Theme: Determine whether to display the visualization using a Dark or Light (default) display theme.

Item Fill: Use the following options to format the color of the nodes in the visualization:

Item Border: Use the following options to format the border of each node in the visualization:

Background: Use the following options to format the visualization's background:

You can define additional formatting options, such as how to display the attribute form names and how null and zero metric values are hidden. To access these options, click More Options. For detailed descriptions of these options, see More Options dialog box.

Title and Container options

The following options are available to format the title and background in a Network visualization.

Title: Use the following options to display and format the visualization’s title:

Legend options

The following options are available to format the legend of a Network visualization:

Show Legend: Select this option to show the graph legend.

Hide Legend: Select this option to hide the graph legend.

Text: Use the following options to format the legend text:

Border: Use the following options to format the legend's border:

Background: Use the following options to format the legend's background:


To format a Network visualization:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it. Click the visualization to format.

  2. From the visualization's Properties panel, select the appropriate options to format the visualization, as described above.

If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

Related topic

Creating a Network visualization


