Dashboard Editor: Text: Properties

Once you add text to a dashboard, you can select formatting options for the text, such as font color, whether to bold or italicize text, or whether to use the text as a link.

To format text in a dashboard:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it. Click the text to format.

  2. From the Properties panel, from the Text drop-down list, select the font to apply to the text. Note: If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  3. Determine whether to apply Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strikethrough formatting to the text.

  4. From the second drop-down list, select the font size for the text.

  5. From the color palette, select the font color for the text.

  6. Define the text alignment as Left, Center, Right, or Justified.

  7. You can determine whether to wrap lines of text that are too long to be displayed in the text field. Do one of the following:

  1. From the Direction drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. You can determine how to display text that exceeds the size of its text field. From the Overflow drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. From the Fill Color drop-down list, select the background color to display behind the text.

  2. From the Border Style drop-down list, select the type of border to display around the text.

  3. From the Border Color drop-down list, select the color of the border to display around the text.

  4. You can use the text as a link to a specific URL, or open a report or document when the user clicks the text. From the Link drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. In the field, type the URL to link to.

  2. In the Tooltip field, type a tooltip to display when the user hovers the cursor over the text.

  3. You can determine whether to open the link in a new window. Do one of the following:

  1. Click the Browse (...) button. Navigate to and select the report or document to link to, then click OK.

  2.  In the Tooltip field, type text to display when the user hovers the cursor over the text.

  3. You can determine whether to open the link in a new window. Do one of the following:

Related topic

Adding text to a dashboard


