Modifying, duplicating, and deleting visualizations

Once you have created and added a visualization to a dashboard, you can copy, rename, and delete the visualization. For example, you can create a copy of a visualization and add it to the same page as the original visualization, or copy a visualization to a new sheet or page.

For steps, see the appropriate link below:

To create a copy of a visualization on the same page as the original visualization

To copy a visualization to a new sheet or page

To rename a visualization

To delete a visualization


The procedures below assume that you are already viewing the dashboard that contains the visualization to modify, duplicate, or delete.

To create a copy of a visualization on the same page as the original visualization:

  1. Hover the cursor over the visualization, then click the arrow icon in the top right.

  2. Select Duplicate. A copy of the visualization is added to the same sheet and page as the original visualization.

To copy a visualization to a new sheet or page:

  1. Hover the cursor over the visualization, then click the arrow icon in the top right.

  2. Point to Copy To, then select one of the following:

The visualization is copied to the new sheet or page.

To rename a visualization:

  1. Double-click the title bar displayed at the top of the visualization. Note: If the title bar is not displayed, hover the cursor over the visualization, then click the arrow icon in the top right. Select Show Title Bar

  2. Type a new name for the visualization, then press ENTER. The visualization is renamed.

To delete a visualization:

Hover the cursor over the visualization, then click the arrow icon in the top right. Select Delete. The visualization is deleted.

Related topics

Formatting visualizations

About visualizations


