Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > CTI Integration APIs >

CTICommand Servlet API

The CTI application invokes the CTICommand servlet to load CTI content in Oracle CRM On Demand. This is a generic command servlet that can be used to load any Oracle CRM On Demand page.

Parameters are passed to the CTICommand servlet through HTTP POST or GET requests. As HTTP GET requests are supported, these parameters can be passed in through the URL query string. The URL has the format:

<CRMOD base URL>/user/CTICommand

Depending on the value of the Command parameter, the CTICommand servlet invokes screen pop or wrap-up functionality as described in the following topics. An example URL for HTTP GET to invoke a screen pop is as follows: Type=Activity&Record Id=1QA2-S5YEX&Channel Type=Inbound Call

NOTE:  It is not required to pass user credentials to the CTICommand servlet, as is the case for the CTI Activity Web service. This is because the CTICommand servlet uses the credentials from the existing Oracle CRM On Demand browser session.

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