Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of CTI and CRM On Demand Integration

About the CTI Integration

CTI Agent Workflow

Message Flow between the CTI Client Application and Oracle CRM On Demand

Record Association Logic

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CTI Integration APIs

Infrastructure Supporting CTI Integration

CTI Activity Web Service

CTIActivityInsert Interaction Input Parameters

CTIActivityInsert Interaction Output Parameters

CTIActivityInsert SOAP Request

CTIActivityInsert SOAP Response

CTIActivityWrapUp Input Parameters

CTIActivityWrapUp Output Parameters

CTIActivityWrapUp SOAP Request

CTIActivityWrapUp SOAP Response

Exception Messages

CTICommand Servlet API

ScreenPop Command

Message Protocol

Example of Contact ScreenPop Command

Example of Activity ScreenPop Command

WrapUp Command

Message Protocol

Example of Call WrapUp Command

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Tracking UI Events in the CTI Application

HTML Custom Attributes

UI Controls

Click-to-Dial Links

Listen to Vmail Button

Listen to Vmail on Phone Button

Reassign Button (Voicemail)

Open Email Button

Reassign Button (Email)

View Chat Button

View Interaction History Button

Save Button on Wrap Up Form

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Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for CTI Integration

CTI Company Profile Settings

CTI Role Privileges

Required Settings to Make CTI Functionality Available

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CTI Activity Web Services Description Language File

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Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.