Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > Tracking UI Events in the CTI Application > UI Controls >

Listen to Vmail Button

Clicking this button in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI plays back the interaction's voicemail message to the user.

The HTML custom attributes for the button are:

  • data-cti-action="openVmail"
  • data-cti-interactionId="interactionId"

An example of HTML for the button is as follows:

<td onmouseover="toggleNavButton(this);" onmouseout="toggleNavButton(this);" onkeypress="onButtonPress(this);"

tabindex="3" class="buttonTD" data-cti-action="openVmail" data-cti-interactionId="54065405406456450"

onclick="function () {return false;};" id="CODDetailVMForm25658904*3">

&#160;Listen to Vmail&#160;</td>

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