Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > Tracking UI Events in the CTI Application > UI Controls >

Click-to-Dial Links

Clicking a phone number link in a record in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI provides HTML custom attributes that enable a CTI client application to dial the phone number and create an activity associated with the record whose link is clicked.

The values for the data- attributes are stored in the HTML element's id attribute and dynamically added to the element after the page is initially loaded. The HTML custom attributes for Click-to-Dial links are:

  • data-cti-action="dial" or data-cti-action="promptToDial"
  • data-cti-phone-number="phone number digits"
  • data-cti-phone-countrycode="country code"
  • data-cti-crmod-recordtype="record type"
  • data-cti-crmod-recordid="record Id"

NOTE:  On child lists on detail pages, the record type and record ID used are those of the child record.

The Display Click-to-Dial Popup check box in the My Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand determines the value for the data-cti-action attribute. If the check box is selected, the value is promptToDial, specifying that the user is prompted with a Click-to-Dial popup before the phone number is dialed. If the check box is cleared, data-cti-action has the value dial.

The CTI application uses the information in the data- attributes and makes a CTIActivityInsert call to create an activity (with Type = Call, Subtype = Outbound Call) associated with the record. Table 16 shows how the HTML attributes for Click-to-Dial relate to CTIActivityInsert method parameters.

Table 16. Mapping of data- Attributes to CTIActivityInsert Input Parameters
data- Attribute
CTIActivityInsert Parameter



Destination = data-cti-phone-countrycode + data-cti-phone-number (for example, 16505550199)



Destination = data-cti-phone-countrycode + data-cti-phone-number (for example, 16505550199)



AssociatedRecordType = data-cti-crmod-recordtype



AssociatedRecordId = data-cti-crmod-recordid

If the data-cti-crmod-recordtype value does not correspond to one of the record types supported by the AssociatedRecordType parameter, the CTIActivityInsert method simply ignores the associated record specified, and continues creating the activity record. It is up to the CTI application to decide whether to display a screen pop, based on the screen pop information returned by the CTIActivityInsert method.

Oracle CRM On Demand UI displays the wrap-up associated with the interaction.

An example of HTML for a click-to-dial link is as follows:

<td class="fv fvu" style="padding-left:6px" id="A0.R0.Work Phone &#35;">

<a class="nclk" id="CTIDialNumberId|true|6505550199|1|Contact|1-CVVZ0" href="javascript:void(0);" data-cti-action="promptToDial"

data-cti-phone-number="6505550199" data-cti-phone-countrycode="1" data-cti-crmod-recordtype="Contact" data-cti-crmod-recordid="1-CVVZ0">



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