Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > Tracking UI Events in the CTI Application >

HTML Custom Attributes

The CTI application is responsible for collecting particular UI event information from UI controls in the Oracle CRM On Demand browser window, and performing the associated CTI action. Some examples of UI events and actions are as follows:

  • Clicking the Listen to Vmail button plays back the voicemail to the user through the CTI application.
  • Clicking the Origin phone number dials that phone number.

NOTE:  If the CTI application cannot support a particular UI control, the UI control should be disabled using the appropriate setting in the Company Profile page. For more information, see CTI Company Profile Settings.

Oracle CRM On Demand provides attributes in the HTML elements for its UI controls that indicate the type of CTI method to invoke when the control is clicked. Additional attributes of the element can also provide name-value pairs that provide relevant data.

HTML custom attributes are fully supported in HTML5 and valid custom attributes are prefixed with the data- characters. (In versions of HTML before HTML5, custom attributes were an undocumented feature.)

Custom attributes are supported for the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer Version 6.0 and later
  • Mozilla Firefox Version 2.0 and later
  • Google Chrome (all versions)

Table 14 shows the custom attributes that are available and the data that they provide to the CTI application.

Table 14. HTML Custom Attributes in Oracle CRM On Demand
CTI Data


CTI operation to perform

Attribute values and the associated CTI actions are as follows:

  • openVmail. Open voicemail.
  • vmailOnPhone. Play voicemail on agent's phone.
  • reassignVmail. Reassign voicemail.
  • reassignEmail. Reassign email.
  • openEmail. Open email.
  • openChat. Open chat.
  • dial. Dial phone number.
  • promptToDial. Prompt the user with a Click-to-Dial window.
  • openHistory. Open interaction history.
  • endWrapUp. End wrap-up for interaction.


CTI interaction Id

CTI assigned unique identifier.


CTI dialed number identification service (DNIS) number to dial

Oracle CRM On Demand deformatted phone number (that is, purely digits) to dial


CTI DNIS country code

Oracle CRM On Demand phone number country code.


Oracle CRM On Demand record type

Used for Click-to-Dial. CTI sends this back to Oracle CRM On Demand so that the activity is associated with the correct record type.


Oracle CRM On Demand record ID

Used for Click-to-Dial. CTI sends this back to Oracle CRM On Demand so that the activity is associated with the correct record.

Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.