Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition > Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition > Record Types for Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition >

Claim Record Type

The claim record types allow insurance professionals to view the claims created by contacts, households, and business accounts. Insurers can also use the claim record type to quickly record critical information regarding the first notice of loss and accurately route the claim to the appropriate personnel.

Table 6 shows the fields that you might want to set up in the Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition for this record type.

Table 6. Claim Record Type Fields
Field Name

Ability to Work

Add picklist values:

  • No
  • Partial
  • Yes

At Fault

Add picklist values:

  • Insured Driver
  • NA
  • Other Driver
  • Unknown

Category of Loss

Add picklist values:

  • Dwelling
  • Other Structures
  • Personal Property

Class of Employee

Add picklist values:

  • Clerical
  • Management
  • Supervisor

Kind of Loss

Add picklist values:

  • Fire
  • Injury
  • Theft

Liability Source

Add picklist values:

  • Injured Employee
  • Property of Employee Damaged
  • Property of Private Person

Line of Business

Add picklist values:

  • Auto
  • General Liability
  • Life
  • Property

Location of Loss

Add picklist values:

  • Adverse Claimants Home Address
  • Business Address
  • Other Location

Loss Code


Add picklist values:

  • 100
  • 101
  • 102

Loss Type

Add picklist values:

  • Collision
  • Injury

Medical Injury Code


Add picklist values:

  • IDC-9
  • IDC-10

Part of Body Injured

Add picklist values:

  • Head Injury
  • Left Shoulder
  • Right Shoulder

Place of Injury


Add picklist values:

  • Factory
  • Office
  • Warehouse

Relationship to Insured

Add picklist values:

  • Colleague
  • Employer
  • Supervisor

Reported By

Add picklist values:

  • Agent
  • Driver of Insured Vehicle
  • Named Insured


Add picklist values:

  • AZ
  • CA
  • CO


Add picklist values:

  • Loss Report
  • Open
  • Reviewed

Type of Injury

Add picklist values:

  • Burn
  • Fracture
  • Sprain
Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.