A - C - D - F - I - L - M - O - P - R - S - T


about custom objects   1

access levels

related information, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

top-level profile, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

access profiles

setting up, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

settings, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

address records

record state stage definitions   1

assigning page layout, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

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call activities

record locking for   1

record state stage definitions   1

configuring custom objects, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

configuring field setup, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

configuring Oracle CRM On Demand, for life sciences   1

configuring page layout, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

configuring record types, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

creating a life sciences role   1

creating a record locking business process

for call activity records   1

for messaging plan records   1

for products detailed records   1

for records in general   1

for sample disclaimer records   1

for sample request records   1

for sample transaction records   1

for shared address records   1

for solution records   1

custom objects

about   1

configuring custom objects for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

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data, importing   1

default access and owner access profiles, setting up   1

defining state stages

for account and professional calls   1

for messaging plans   1

for sample transactions   1

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field layouts and setup, for LS Field Sales Rep Role page layouts   1

field setup, configuring for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

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importing data

about   1

process of loading seed data for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

industry editions, provisioning   1

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life sciences administrator, setting up page layouts and related information   1

life sciences role

access profile settings for   1

assigning page layouts   1

creating   1

setting privileges   1

setting record type access   1

setting tab access   1

setting up access profiles for   1

LS Field Sales Rep Role

access levels for related information   1

access levels for top-level profile in   1

access profiles for   1

page layout assignment for   1

page layouts for   1

privileges for   1

record type access for   1

tab access and order for   1

Back to top


messaging plans

record locking for   1

record state stage definitions   1

Back to top


Oracle CRM On Demand

about provisioning, for life sciences   1

configuring, for life sciences   1

Industry Editions, about   1

Life Sciences Edition, about   1

record types, for life sciences   1

Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition

about   1

about page layouts   1

about process of configuring   1

about record types   1

configuring field setup   1

configuring page layouts   1

configuring record types   1

creating life sciences roles   1

getting started with   1

setting privileges for life sciences role   1

setting record type access for life sciences role   1

setting tab access for life sciences role   1

setting up access profiles for life sciences role   1

setting up page layouts and related information   1

Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Offline Client

importing seed data   1

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page layouts

about   1

assigning, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

configuring, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

setting up, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

page layouts, configuring

field layouts and setup   1

for the LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

page sections   1

related information sections   1

page sections, for LS Field Sales Rep Role page layouts   1


for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

process of configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

process of setting up a business process to lock records in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

products detailed

record locking for   1

Back to top


record locking

for call activity records   1

for messaging plan records   1

for products detailed records   1

for records in general   1

for sample disclaimer records   1

for sample request records   1

for sample transaction records   1

for shared address records   1

for solution records   1

setting up a business process for, in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

record state stage definitions

for address records   1

for call activity records   1

for messaging plan records   1

for sample transaction records   1

for solution records   1

record type access, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

record types

custom object record types   1

for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

related information sections, for LS Field Sales Rep Role page layouts   1

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sample disclaimers

record locking for   1

sample requests

record locking for   1

sample transactions

record locking for   1

record state stage definitions   1

seed data, importing   1

setting up access profile, for LS Field Sales Rep Role   1

setting up default access and owner access profiles, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

setting up page layouts, for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition   1

shared addresses

record locking for   1


record locking for   1

record state stage definitions   1

state stages definitions

for account and professional calls   1

for messaging plans   1

for sample transactions   1

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tab access and order, LS Field Sales Rep   1

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Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.