Oracle Data Loader On Demand Guide > Using Oracle Data Loader On Demand >

Guidelines for Using Oracle Data Loader On Demand

Follow these guidelines when using Oracle Data Loader On Demand. Adhering to these guidelines helps you to avoid errors.

Use the Required Field Mappings

Every record type has a list of fields that is required. If you omit a required field, Oracle Data Loader On Demand returns an error. Table 7 lists the preconfigured required fields for each record type. You can also mark other fields as required by changing their properties under the Field Management section of the Admin screen.

Table 7. Required Fields for Record Types
Record Type
Required Field


Account Name, Owner

Account Address

Account, Address, Address Type

Account Book

Account, Book Name

Account Competitor

Account Id or Account Name or Account External Unique Id, Competitor ID or Competitor name or Competitor External Id

Account Contact

If the External Id is chosen as the option to check duplicates, then Account External Id and Contact External Id are required fields. If one or both of these are missing, Oracle Data Loader On Demand returns an error.

If the Row Id is chosen as the option to check duplicates, then Account Id and Contact Id are required fields.

Account Partner

Account Id or Account Name or Account External Unique Id, Partner ID or Partner name or Partner: External System Id

Account Team

Account Access, User


Name, Status, Owner

Accreditation Request

Accreditation, Partner


Address Name


Allocation Type, Start Date, Owner, Sample


Name, First Name, Last Name, Submission Status


Subject, Start Time, End Time, Owner

Appointment Contact

Appointment External ID, Contact External ID or Contact Full Name

Appointment User

Appointment External ID, User External ID or User Sign In ID


Product Name

Blocked Product

Product, Contact


Book Name

Book User

Book, Users

Broker Profile

Broker Profile Name, Broker Profile Year, Partner

Business Plan

Plan Name, Period, Type, Status, Owner


Campaign Name, Source Code, Owner

Campaign Recipient



Name, Status, Owner

Certification Request

Candidate, Certification


Claim #, Report Date, Loss Date and Time, Policy


First Name, Last Name, Owner

Contact Address

Contact, Address, Address Type

Contact Book

Book Name

Contact State License

Contact, License Number

Contact Team

Contact Access, User


Name, Status, Owner

Course Enrollment

Candidate, Course


Coverage Name, Policy

Custom Object 1

Name, Owner

Custom Object 2

Name, Owner

Custom Object 3

Name, Owner

Custom Object 4-15

Name, Owner


Claim, Damage Name

Deal Registration

Name, Type, Principal Partner, Submission Status, Owner


Name, Owner


Name, Start Date, End Date, Event Objective, Owner


Name, Status, Owner

Exam Registration

Candidate, Exam, Exam Date

Financial Account

Financial Account Number, Type, Financial Account

Financial Account Holder

Financial Account Holder Name, Financial Account, Role

Financial Account Holding

Financial Account, Financial Product, Financial Account Holdings Name

Financial Plan

Type, Financial Plan Name, Status

Financial Product

Financial Product Name

Financial Transaction

Financial Account, Financial Product, Transaction Type, Transaction ID

HCP Contact Allocation

Type, Start Date, Contact Name, Product Name

Insurance Property

Policy, Type

Inventory Audit Report

Completed Date, Inventory Period, Owner, Reason, Status, Type

Inventory Period

Start Date, Owner, Active, Reconciled


Event, Contact Name

Involved Party

Claim, Contact, Involved Party Name, Role


First Name, Last Name, Owner Full name

MDF Request

Id, Request Name, Principal Partner Account, Fund, Submission Status, Due Date, Owner

Message Plan

Name, Owner, Type, Product, Status, Disclosure Mandatory, Enable Followup, Lock Sequence

Messaging Plan Item

Sequence Number, Disclosure Message, Type, Parent Message Plan

Messaging Plan Item Relations

Type, Parent MP Item

Modification Tracking

Object Id, Event Name, Object Name, Modification Number


Not applicable


Objective Name, Type, Status, Period, Owner


Name of Opportunity, Account, Sales Stage, Close Date, Owner

Opportunity Contact Role

Opportunity Name, Contact Name, Buying Role, Created Date, First Name, Last Name

Opportunity Product Revenue

Product, Opportunity

Opportunity Team

Opportunity External ID or Opportunity Name, Opportunity Access, User


Order Id

Order Item

Order item Number, Quantity, Product, Order, Status


Partner Name, Owner

Partner Program

Partner Program Name, Status

Plan Account

Account, Business Plan

Plan Contact

Contact, Business Plan

Plan Opportunity

Business Plan, Opportunity


Policy #, Policy Type

Policy Holder

Policy, Policy Holder Name, Role


Account Number, Owner

Price List

Price List Name, Effective From, Type, Status

Price List Line Item

Price List, Product

Product Category

Category Name


Product Name

Product Indication

Indication Name, Product

SP Request

Id, Request Name, Principal Partner Account, Submission Status, Owner

Sample Disclaimer


Sample Inventory

Inventory Period, Opening Balance, Sample

Sample Lot

Lot #, Sample, Expiration Date

Sample Request

Contact, Shipping Address, Owner

Sample Request Item

Quantity, Product, Order, Order Item Number, Status

Sample Transaction

Date, Type

Service Request


Social Profile

Author, Community, Active, Contact



Special Pricing Product

Item Number, Product


Subject, Due Date, Priority, Owner

Task Contact

Task External ID, Contact External ID or Contact Full Name

Task User

Task External ID, User External ID or User Sign In ID

Transaction Item

Line Number, Transaction #, Product, Quantity


First Name, Last Name, Role, Work Phone #, Email, Status, Alias, User Id, User Sign In Id


VIN, Vehicle Currency, Product Name

Vehicle Contact

Vehicle External ID or VIN, Contact External ID or Contact Name, Product Name

Null Values

Every record in the data file must have valid values for the required fields as listed in Table 7. Required fields cannot contain null values, nor can null values be loaded into any required field. Non-required fields can contain null values. In the case of updating records, null values in the import file can replace data in the database. For example, if an existing record has the value of 555-1234 for a contact's fax number, and if the data file has a null for that contact's fax number, then after the update the database contains a null for that contact's fax number.

Use the Supported Date and Time Formats

Make sure your date and time formats conform to the formats in Table 8.

Table 8. Supported Date and Time Formats
Geographic Location
Date and Time Format



DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM



DD.MM.YYYY 24:mm:ss


All other geographic locations not specifically covered by other options.

YYYY-MM-DD 24:mm:ss


United Kingdom

DD/MM/YYYY 24:mm:ss


United States of America

This is the default option.

MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM

Use the Supported File Formats

The data files and map files must be formatted correctly:

  • Data file. The data file be a comma or semicolon-delimited text file. The default character set encoding is UTF-8. If you use a different character set encoding, then specify it using the
    -characterset property.
  • Map file. The map file must use the same character set encoding as the data file and must be a comma-delimited text file, with the following header:

    "Oracle CRM On Demand Field","Import File Field"

Make Sure Data Files Are Correct

The following mistakes can make a data file unreadable:

  • Blank column header. The first line of the data file must list the field names to process.
  • Mismatch between data file header and the map file. For each field listed in the data file header, there must be an entry in the map file.
  • Character set encoding. The data file and the map file must use the same character set encoding. The default character set encoding is UTF-8. If you use a different character set encoding, then specify it using the -characterset property.
  • Missing field in a record. The first line of the data file must list the field names (the file must have a header), which are also referenced by the map file. Make sure that every record in the data file has the same number of fields.
  • Empty data file. Make sure there is data in the data file.
  • Invalid delimiter value. The only supported delimiters are the comma (,) and the semicolon (;). Make sure the properties file specifies which delimiter you use.
  • Required Oracle CRM On Demand fields must contain a value. Make sure required fields are specified in the data file. If required fields are blank, the fields are not mapped by Oracle Data Loader during the import process and if the required fields are not mapped, the import fails.
  • Associated records must exist. Make sure any associated records specified in the data file exist in Oracle CRM On Demand prior to importing.
  • Picklist values must be an exact match. Make sure picklist values are an exact match. Values are case sensitive. Leading or trailing blank characters are not allowed. Blank characters are not allowed at the end of the file.
  • Cascading picklist values must be correct. Make sure cascading picklist values are correct.
  • Oracle CRM On Demand fields must be mapped only once. Make sure you have not mapped an Oracle CRM On Demand field more than once.

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