Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide > Managing Partner Relationships >

Example Process of Managing a Course

This topic provides an example of a typical process for managing a course. Your company may follow a different process according to its business requirements. This process is similar for accreditations, certifications, and exams.

To manage a course, perform the following tasks:

  1. Creating a Course
  2. Associating a Course with Products, Product Categories, and Solutions
  3. Defining Dependencies on Other Courses
  4. Associating a Course with Exams and Certifications
  5. Making a Course Visible to Partners
  6. Enrolling in a Course
  7. Updating the Course Enrollment Record

Creating a Course

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

Only three fields are required when creating a course: the Name, Status, and Owner fields. You can make additional fields mandatory through configuration. Complete the following steps to create a course.

To create a course

  1. Navigate to the Course page, and create a new course
  2. Specify the details for the course as follows:
    1. Type a name for the course.

      The name must be unique and is case-sensitive.

    2. Modify the status to an appropriate value, if necessary.

      The default status is Draft.

    3. Select the primary product only if you believe that this course is mainly targeted at a single product. If this course is appropriate for several products, then leave this field blank.
    4. Select the primary product category only if you believe that this course is mainly targeted at a single product category. If this course is appropriate for several product categories,then leave this field blank.
    5. Select the Available From and Available Till dates, if known.

      These two dates determine the Recently Introduced Courses and Retiring Courses lists on the course home page.

    6. Enter all the known details about the course, such as the duration, course fee, format, and so on.
    7. In the Contact Information Section, specify the point-of-contact for the course. Do one of the following:
      • If the point-of-contact already exists as a contact in Oracle CRM On Demand, then use the Contact drop-down list.
      • If the point-of-contact is not defined in Oracle CRM On Demand, then enter the details using the text fields, such as First Name, Last Name, and so on.
    8. The default value for the owner is your user name. If you want to make some other user the owner of the course, then specify that user name in the Owner field.
  3. Save the course record.

Associating a Course with Products, Product Categories, and Solutions

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

You can associate a course with one or more products and product categories. If the course is appropriate for only one product or one product category, then use the Primary Product field or Primary Product Category field. If the course is applicable to more than one product or more than one product category, then perform the following task.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to associate a course with products, product categories, and solutions.

To associate a course with products, product categories, and solutions

  1. In the Course Products, Course Product Category, or Course Solutions related item section, click Add.
  2. On the edit page, specify the product, product category, or solution, and click Save.
  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 as many times as necessary to define all the relationships.

NOTE:  Perform the previous task to relate a course to solutions, regardless of whether the course is related to one solution or many solutions.

Defining Dependencies on Other Courses

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

A course is usually related to other courses as a prerequisite, follow-up, and so on. Oracle CRM On Demand enables you to define these relationships by performing the following task. However, these relationships are not enforced and exist only for informational purposes.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to define dependencies on other courses.

To define dependencies on other courses

  1. In the Related Courses related item section, click Add.
  2. In the Related Course edit page, specify the related course and the relationship.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 as many times as necessary to define all the relationships.

NOTE:  The list of values in the Relationship field is configurable. You can add, modify, or remove items from the relationship list.

Associating a Course with Exams and Certifications

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

A course usually culminates in one or more exams. If the contacts pass the exam, then they are awarded certificates. You can associate a course with exams or certifications or both.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to associate a course with exams and certifications.

To associate a course with exams and certifications

  1. In the Course Exams or Certification Courses related item section, click Add.
  2. On the Edit page, specify the exam or certification, as appropriate.
  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 to add additional exam or certificate relationships.

Making a Course Visible to Partners

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

A course does not automatically become visible to partners. You can make the course visible by adding partner employees to a team, and associating that team with the course record.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to make a course visible to partners.

To make a course visible to partners

  1. In the Course Team related item section, click Add.
  2. On the Edit page, specify the user name, team role, and record access.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you grant read-only access to the team member employees of the partner.

  3. Click Save

Enrolling in a Course

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

Oracle CRM On Demand enables a partner user to enroll in any course that is visible to him or her.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to enroll in a course.

To enroll in a course

  1. In the Course Enrollment related item section, click Enroll.

    The course name is automatically populated. However, you can modify it, using any valid course.

  2. In the Candidate field, specify a contact.

    You can specify any contact to whom you have visibility.

  3. If this enrollment is part of a broader business objective, then you can specify the objective as well.
  4. Complete the other fields, such as Enrollment Date, Completion Date, and so on.

    NOTE:  The Enrollment Status field is read-only for the Partner Sales Representative role.

  5. If you are enrolling in a course that is offered by a third-party vendor and not by the company itself, then specify the vendor name in the Course Partner field, assuming the vendor is defined as a partner in Oracle CRM On Demand and is visible.
  6. Specify the other fields, as appropriate.
  7. Click Save.

NOTE:  Sometimes, an individual might repeat a course. Therefore, Oracle CRM On Demand supports multiple enrollments for the same individual so long as the enrollment date is different. An individual cannot enroll in the same course with the same enrollment date and the same owner more than once. Additionally, the course enrollment record also provides you with the flexibility of adding custom fields.

Updating the Course Enrollment Record

This task is a step in Example Process of Managing a Course.

The course enrollment record can be updated by users with the appropriate access rights. Only brand-owner roles, such as channel manager, can update the Status field on the enrollment record. All other fields can be updated by partner roles as well. You can modify this behavior by updating the appropriate page layouts.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to update an enrollment record.

To update an enrollment record

  1. On the Course Enrollment related item section, click the Edit link for the enrollment record that you want to modify.
  2. On the Course Enrollment Edit page, modify the fields as appropriate.
  3. Click Save.

NOTE:  The default permissible values for the Enrollment Status field are Enrolled, Completed, and Incomplete. However, your company administrator can modify this list to suit your business requirements.

Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.