Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide > Managing Partner Relationships >

Example Process of Creating Partner Accounts

This topic provides one example of a process for creating partner accounts. Your company may follow a different process according to its business requirements.

To create a partner account, channel managers perform the following tasks:

  1. Creating Partner Accounts (Channel Managers)
  2. Creating Partner Organization Books (Channel Managers)

Creating Partner Accounts (Channel Managers)

This task is a step in Example Process of Creating Partner Accounts.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to create a partner account.

To create a partner account

  1. Navigate to the Partners tab, and create a new partner account.
  2. Set the status of the partner account to Active.
  3. Save the partner account.

    For more information about creating partner accounts, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

    NOTE:  Fields can be added to or removed from the Partner Detail page. If there are fields that you want to add to the Partner Detail page, then contact your PRM administrator to add the fields.

What Happens When a Partner Is Created and the Partner Organization Status Is Set to Active?

When a PRM partner is created, the partner organization status set to Active, and the record is saved, a partner book is automatically created. As users are added as members of this PRM partner organization, the following actions occur:

  • The users are automatically added to the book that was created.
  • A partner record is placed in this book when a partner relationship is defined for the partner and Partner Access or Reciprocal Access is selected.

You can access this book in the book related item for the partner.

Creating Partner Organization Books (Channel Managers)

This task is a step in Example Process of Creating Partner Accounts.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to create a partner organization book.

To create a partner organization book

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand, click Admin.
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section of the Admin Homepage, click Book Management.
  3. On the Book Hierarchy page, click New.
  4. On the Book Edit page, enter the information for the book, including the fields shown in the following table, and then save your record.

    The following table describes the settings for the fields on partner organization books.


    Book Name

    It is recommended that you define a naming convention such as the following: Partner Book - Company A - Location.

    Book Type

    Choose the partner organization value from the picklist.


    Click the lookup icon, and select the partner organization with which the partner book will be associated.

    Can Contain Data

    Select the check box.

  5. On the Book Details page, on the title bar of the Book Users section, click Add Users.
  6. In the Book Users Edit page, choose the users whom you want to associate with the book.

    These users have visibility to the partner account record and to the records linked to the partner account.

  7. Select a book user role (optional) and a book access profile for each user.

    For information about book user roles and book access profiles, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

  8. Save the record.

    For more information about books, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.