Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API Developer's Guide > Using the ReportList Method >

Calling the ReportList Method

When you have the Web session ID stored in a cookie file, you can then use the download tool to make the call to the ReportList method and get the summary list of reports.

When using Wget, the format for the call is as follows:

wget --content-on-error --load-cookie "cookiefile1.txt" --output-document "" "https://secure-<servername>/OnDemand/user/ReportService?Method=ReportList&Path=<ReportFolderPath>"

Substitute your specific information for the following parameters as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Wget Command Parameters for Calling the ReportList Method
Value in Example



The name of the file into which Wget stored the Web session ID. The quotation marks around the file name are mandatory in Wget.



The path and file name of the zip file to be stored. The quotation marks around the path name are mandatory in Wget.



The name or address of the server hosting Oracle CRM On Demand.

Use one set of double quotes to enclose the portion of the URL containing the following parameters:

  • servername
  • Method
  • Path (Optional)



This is the call to the API. The method name is ReportList.



Optional. The path to the company shared folder or a folder within the company shared folder. ReportFolderPath must be URL Encoded.

If the ReportFolderPath is not specified in the URL, then the ReportList method fetches the list of reports from the parent company shared folder. If the ReportFolderPath is specified, then the ReportList method generates the list of reports from the specified folder and sub-folders. The ReportList method always respects access permissions to folders and their contents.

The following is a sample of a ReportList method call:

wget --content-on-error --load-cookie "cookiefile1.txt" --output-document "" "https://secure-<servername>/OnDemand/user/ReportService?Method=ReportList&Path=Sales%20Activity%20Reports"

The ReportList method generates a summary list of reports in the company shared folder. The ReportList method accesses each folder and creates a zip archive file containing a UTF-8 encoded CSV file with the summary list of reports. Table 6 shows the fields available in the summary list report.

Table 6. Fields in the Summary List Report

Report Name

The name of the report in the language in which it was entered.

Shared Folder Path

The company shared folder hierarchy (full path excluding the company shared folder name itself).


The date the report was created in the format for the user's locale, not adjusted for daylight saving time.


The date the report was modified in the format for the user's locale, not adjusted for daylight saving time.

The Created and Modified times provided by the ReportList method might be different from the times reported by other products because the ReportList method does not adjust for daylight saving time.

Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API Developer's Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.