Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API Developer's Guide > Overview of the Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API >

Creating a Session Cookie File

Before you can call a method, you must sign on to the Oracle CRM On Demand and establish a Web session. The following example shows the format of the command for the Wget tool:

wget --content-on-error --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies "cookiefile1.txt" --post-data "j_username=repuser1&j_password=pass1&langCode=ENU" https://secure-<servername>/OnDemand/authenticate

Substitute your specific information for the following parameters as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Wget Command Parameters for Creating the Session Cookie File
Value in Example



The name of the file into which Wget stores the Web session ID. The quotation marks around the file name are mandatory in Wget.



The user name for the account you are using to sign on to Oracle CRM On Demand. The account you use controls the data visibility used to create the report.

The user name must be URL Encoded, which means that special characters, such as spaces must be rendered in their hexadecimal equivalents. For example, the space character is ASCII 32, which in hexadecimal is %20.



The password associated with the user name. This password must also be URL Encoded.

The password is transmitted unencrypted. To prevent compromising your personal data, do not use your own account. Instead, create a special account solely for the use of accessing reports.



The three letter code for your language.



The name or address of the server hosting Oracle CRM On Demand.

Oracle CRM On Demand Report Services API Developer's Guide, Release 32 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.