Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Administrative Services API Calls >


Updates existing workflow action configuration data or inserts new data.

NOTE:  It is recommended that you use the WorkflowActionSetInsertOrUpdate method rather than the WorkflowActionSetUpsert method.


Use the WorkflowActionSetUpsert method to update or insert workflow action configuration data. The Manage Workflow Rules privilege is required.

CAUTION:  New workflow action sets are inserted. Existing workflow action sets are updated, but existing workflow action sets that are not in the request are deleted.

The workflow action set is specified by the apData:WorkflowActionSet argument, and the associated workflow rule is specified with the <WorkflowName> child element of apData:WorkflowActionsSet.

The <Version> child element specifies the release of Oracle CRM On Demand for which configuration data is included. The default value is 30, so to include Release 31 or later functionality, you must specify a higher value than 30.

The workflow action set is specified by the <ListOfWorkflowActions> element, which has a <WorkflowAction> element for each action. Each action is specified by the following elements and a set of elements depending on the type of action:

  • Name. The name of the action.
  • Active. Whether the action is active.
  • Order. The order number for the action within the set of actions.

The following child elements of <WorkflowAction> specify the data for the various types of action:

  • WorkflowCreateTaskAction. The Create Task action:
    • Owner. The owner for the task (required).
    • OwnerType. The type of owner (required). Valid values are:
      • R. Corresponds to the Relative User on Record value in the UI.
      • U. Corresponds to the Specific User value in the UI.
    • Type. The activity type.
    • DueDate. The due date for the task (required).
    • Priority. The activity priority (required): 1 - High, 2 - Medium, 3 - Low.
    • Status. The activity status.
    • TaskCurrency. The three-character currency code.
    • Private. Whether the task is visible only to the task owner.
    • Subject. The subject line of the task (required).
    • Description. The description of the task.
  • WorkflowAssignBookAction. The Assign a Book action:
    • BookName. The name of the book.
    • BookExpr. An expression for a book.
    • AssignmentOption. The assignment option (required): Add, Replace Type, Replace All, Replace Book, Remove, or Remove All.
    • ReplaceBookName. The name of the book to be replaced, if Replace Book is specified for <AssignmentOption>.
    • ReplaceBookExpr. An expression for the book to be replaced.
    • ApplyTo. How the assignment option is to be applied (required): Manual Associations, Automatic Associations, or Both.

      For the Assign a Book action, if both a book name and an expression are specified in the request, then only the book name is saved. Therefore, if you want to set up an Assign a Book action using an expression instead of the book name, you must make sure that only the expression field is populated.

  • WorkflowSyncOwnerPartnerAction. The Sync Owner Partner action.
  • WorkflowSyncBookPartnerAction. The Sync Book Partner action.
  • WorkflowSyncPartnerBooksAction. The Sync Partner Books action.
  • WorkflowCreateIntegrationEventAction. The Create Integration Event action:
    • ListOfQueues. The queues to which the integration events are written.
      • QueueName. The queue name (required).
    • ListOfFields. The fields tracked by the Create Integration Event action.
      • FieldName. The system name of the field (required).
      • AlwaysInclude. Whether the field is included in the integration event, even if the value of the field has not been changed.
      • TrackChanges. Whether an integration event is generated each time the field is updated.
    • SchemaVersion. The Web service schema version that is to be used for the integration events. Web Services v2.0 is the default value.
  • WorkflowFieldUpdateAction. The Update Values action:
    • FieldName. The system name of the field (required).
    • Value. The new value for the field.
    • OverwriteExistingValues. Whether the existing value in the field is to be overwritten with the new value.
  • WorkflowWaitAction. The Wait action:
    • ReevaluateRuleConditionsAfterWait. Whether Oracle CRM On Demand reevaluates the rule conditions after the wait period ends.
    • WaitType. The duration of wait (required). Valid values are: Period, Period Expression, Date Time, or Date Time Expression.
    • DateTime. The date and time if <WaitType> specifies Date Time.
    • WaitExpression. An expression if <WaitType> specifies Period Expression or Date Time Expression. When the <WaitType> value is Period, the <WaitExpression> element indicates a period based on the value PYMDTHM. For example:
      • PYM10DTHM indicates 10 days.
      • P1Y3MDTHM indicates 1 year and 3 months.
      • PYMDT5H15M indicates 5 hours and 15 minutes.
  • WorkflowSendEmailAction. The Send Email action:
    • FromType. The sender email address (required). Valid values are:
      • FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS. Corresponds to the Current User value in the UI.
      • FROM_DEFAULT. Corresponds to the Default Email Address value in the UI.
      • SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS. Corresponds to the Specific Email Address value in the UI.
    • From. The email address, if Specific Email Address is specified for <FromType>.
    • ToType. The recipient of the email (required). Valid values are:
      • R. Corresponds to the Relative User on Record value in the UI.
      • U. Corresponds to the Specific User value in the UI.
      • E. Corresponds to the Specific Email Address value in the UI.
    • To. The email address, if Specific Email Address is specified for <ToType>.
    • Subject. The subject of the email (required).
    • EmailFormat. The format of the email, which can be Plain Text or HTML.
    • MessageBody. The message body (required). If you select HTML as the email format, you must enclose the HTML code in a CDATA section. Any unsupported elements are removed from the HTML. Refer to Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help for a list of the HTML elements that are allowed in the message body.
    • ListOfWorkflowEmailTranslations. The email subject and message bodies in the languages activated for your company.
      • LanguageCode. The three-letter language code for the language.
      • SubjectTranslation. The subject of the email in the language identified by the language code.
      • MessageBodyTranslation. The message body in the language identified by the language code.

        If you update the email subject and message body in the default company language through a Web services call, the Mark for Translation check box in the Workflow Action Edit page in the UI is automatically selected. The default company language is then used for the subject and message body for each translated language, unless you also provide translations for the language in the same Web services call.

  • WorkflowSubmitCallAction. The Submit Call action.
  • WorkflowSubmitTransactionAction. The Submit action for submitting sample transactions.

For more information about workflow rules and actions, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

The Submit Call and Submit workflow actions are available only in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition. Note that there is no data associated with the <WorkflowSubmitCallAction> or <WorkflowSubmitTransactionAction> elements. For more information about the Submit Call action and how you can use it, see Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales Administration Guide on Oracle Technology Network. For more information about the Submit action for submitting sample transactions, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

The following workflow actions are available only in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management:

  • Sync Partner Books
  • Sync Book Partner
  • Sync Owner Partner

There is no data associated with the elements for these actions. For more information on these actions and how you can use them, see Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide, available from the Oracle CRM On Demand documentation library.


Table 148 describes the arguments taken by the WorkflowActionSetUpsert method.

Table 148. Arguments Taken by the WorkflowActionSetUpsert Method


The workflow action data to be updated or inserted.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.