Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Administrative Services API Calls >

Record Ownership Mode

You can use the Field Management service to determine and configure the record ownership mode for objects. There are three record ownership modes for objects: user mode, book mode, and mixed mode. For information about record ownership modes, including which record types support record ownership modes, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

You can determine the record ownership mode by using the FieldManagementRead method to examine the Required flag for the Owner and Book fields for an object:

  • For user mode, the Required flag is true for the Owner field and false for the Book field.
  • For book mode, the Required flag is false for the Owner field and true for the Book field.
  • For mixed mode, the Required flag is false for both the Owner field and Book field.

If the Required flag is true for both Owner and Book fields, then the configuration is invalid and no records can be saved until the configuration is fixed.

A SOAP request to determine the record ownership mode must specify the object name, and the system names for the Owner and Book fields. It must also specify true for the IncludeAll argument to ensure that the field information is returned. Table 65 shows the system names for the Owner and Book fields for some record types.

Table 65. System Names of Owner and Book Fields for Objects
Owner Field
Book Field


Primary Owner Id

Primary Position Id


Primary Owner Id

Position Id


Primary Owner Id

Primary Position Id


Primary Owner Id

Primary Position Id


Owner Id

Primary Position Id

The following is a sample SOAP request to retrieve the record ownership mode information for the Contact object:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:fiel="urn:crmondemand/ws/odesabs/fieldmanagement/" xmlns:quer="urn:/crmondemand/xml/fieldmanagement/query">


      <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">

         <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-30489657" xmlns:wsu="">


            <wsse:Password Type="">password</wsse:Password>











                  <quer:Name>Primary Owner Id</quer:Name>

                  <quer:Required />



                  <quer:Name>Primary Position Id</quer:Name>

                  <quer:Required />







The following is the SOAP response, and in this case, Required is false for both the Owner and Book fields, which indicates mixed mode:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">

   <env:Header />


      <fiel:FieldManagementRead_Output xmlns:fiel="urn:crmondemand/ws/odesabs/fieldmanagement/">

         <data:ListOfFieldSet xmlns:data="urn:/crmondemand/xml/fieldmanagement/data">





                     <data:Name>Primary Owner Id</data:Name>

                     <data:DisplayName>Primary Owner Id</data:DisplayName>




                     <data:Name>Primary Position Id</data:Name>

                     <data:DisplayName>Book: Id</data:DisplayName>









You can use the FieldManagementUpsert method to set the record ownership mode for an object as required.

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