Working with Best Practices Documents

EnterpriseTrack allows you to maintain a global knowledge base of Best Practices documents. Any document that is added to an Idea, Proposal or Project can be published as a Best Practice. Global documents can also be published as Best Practice documents.

The Best Practices section within the Knowledge Base displays all the documents in the system that are Best Practices. The list is organized by the objects (such as Ideas, Projects etc.) with which the documents are associated.

Viewing Best Practices Documents

  1. Click the Best Practices link in the Knowledge Base section of the Left Navigation menu.
  2. Click the file name of the document to view the document.
  3. Click the name of the idea, proposal or project name to drill down to the details of that object.

Related Topics

Working with Global Documents

Navigating the Knowledge Base

Creating a New Global Document

Updating and Deleting Global Documents

Deleting documents

Working with Tool Templates

Creating a New Tool Template

Updating Tool Templates

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016