Modifying a Roadmap

You can make changes to a project’s roadmap from the Change Roadmap page. To modify a roadmap, do the following:

  1. From the Projects page, select your project and navigate to the Roadmap page by selecting (Project #) > Go To > Roadmap.
  2. Select Change Roadmap from the Manage Roadmap menu to display the Change Roadmap page.
  3. You can select a new project type and roadmap from the drop down menu. Based on the new roadmap you selected, a list of phases is displayed on the right.
  4. On the left side, select the first phase you want to delete from the current roadmap. All phases after this phase including the selected phase are deleted. You can only delete open phases. To delete closed phases, you must reopen the phase before deleting. All activities and tasks from deleted phases are also deleted.
  5. From the right side, select the first phase you want to add to this project. All phases including the selected phase are added to the project roadmap.
  6. You can also change the estimated duration of the activity and the planned close date. Click the Apply button to make the changes.
  7. Click the Update button to make changes to a roadmap.

    Note: The completed date for a roadmap cannot be in the future. It should be after the start date of the roadmap, and after the completion date of all subordinate tasks. User created tasks and roadmaps may be deleted, but roadmap tasks can only be marked n/a.

Related Topics

Working with Project Roadmaps and Tasks

About Project Roadmaps and Tasks

Viewing Project Roadmaps

Icons on the Project Roadmap

About Roadmap Views

Using the Gantt View

Completing Roadmap and Task Tool Templates

Group Edit of the Roadmap

Using Keyboard Shortcuts: Project Roadmap Page

Working with Project Activities

Managing Project Gates or Phases

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Last Published Wednesday, November 30, 2016