Installing Inventory Management on Oracle Database

This chapter describes the prerequisites and instructions for installing the Inventory Management database on Oracle Database:

Preparing Oracle Database for Inventory Management

Follow these instructions to set up the Oracle Database shell before installing Inventory Management.

  1. Log in to the database using a command prompt and administrator privileges.
  2. Enter the following commands where the values in bold are specific to your environment:

    sqlplus sys/password@yourinstance as sysdba

    GRANT create session, resource, create view TO new username IDENTIFIED BY password;

    ALTER USER new username DEFAULT TABLESPACE existing tablespace to use TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temporary tablespace to use;

    ALTER USER new username QUOTA UNLIMITED ON new username;

  3. To check the location of the DPUMP_DIR, enter the following command:

    SELECT * FROM dba_directories;

  4. Place your DMP file in the directory shown, and then enter the following command where the values in bold are specific to your environment:

    imdpd system/password@yourinstance DIRECTORY=DPUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=yourDMPfile PARALLEL=1 LOGFILE=yourlog.log REMAP_SCHEMA=sourceschema:targetschema REMAP_TABLESPACE=sourcetablespace:targettablespace

  5. Review the log in the same directory for errors.

Installing or Updating the Inventory Management Database

  1. Install the Inventory Management Database Maintenance on the database server:
    1. Download and extract the installation archive to the database server, double-click setup.exe, and then follow the installation wizard instructions.
    2. On the Choose Database Connection page, enter any connection name, as the name can be changed in a later step. Ignore the Warning message on the next page.
  2. Navigate to root\Program Files\Inventory Management Database Maintenance\ and open sql.ini in a text editor:
    1. Add additional server names and SIDs if necessary. The values in bold are specific to your environment:


      <server name="servername”><DbBrand value="ORACLE” />

      <ServiceName value="Server instance” />



  3. Navigate to root\Program Files\Inventory Management Database Maintenance\ and open fmlogini.ini in a text editor:
    1. Add or configure a section for [orgshortname]:


      DBLogin=server name/orgshortname/password,orgshortname, myinvenMenu.ini


    2. If you are performing parallel database updates, you can set the maximum number of parallel updates by adding or setting the following lines:


      MaxThreads=number of threads

      Depending on your hardware configuration, enter a value between 10 and 30.

  4. Use the Database Updater to install or update the database with the required tables, columns, and views:
    1. From the Microsoft Windows desktop, double-click Single Database, and then log in using your Inventory Management administrator credentials.
    2. On the Settings tab, select the Daily Totals setting for the database.
    3. On the Database Update tab, click Update Database to insert the tables, columns, and views. Verify that the update completes without errors.
    4. Click Reorganization to add and remove database procedures and functions. Verify that the update completes without errors.

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