Printing Chits and Receipts

Use the following print tokens and directives to configure Gift and Loyalty information to be included in a printed receipt or chit:

General-Purpose Print Tokens

Table 9-1 General-Purpose Print Tokens

Print Token Description


The name of the loyalty points (the Loyalty Points Name) configured for the program. Examples include points, chips, and bonus bucks.


The program name.


The full customer account number.


A masked version of the customer account number, with only the last four digits visible. An example output might be *****-1234.


The current balance of the customer account after the transaction.


The exchange rate used by the transaction.


The current balance of the customer account, but in the local currency of the location.


Authorization code.


The current amount of points accrued by the customer account after the transaction.


The amount of points issued in this transaction.


The amount of points needed to reach the next award after this transaction.


The amount of points issued as a bonus in this transaction.


The name of the location or store.


The message configured for the loyalty award (the POS Print Text).


The customer tier level as configured in the loyalty programs.


The amount of points earned by the customer during the current year. Depending on the Balance Use Type loyalty points rule configuration, this can be tracked by calendar year or by the account creation date.


The amount of points earned by the customer during the current calendar month.


The amount of points earned by the customer over the lifetime of the account.

Coupon Print Tokens

When a transaction issues a coupon, the following print tokens can be used to show information pertaining to the coupon:
  • @CouponCode@: coupon code.

  • @CouponName@: name.

  • @CouponSerialNumber@: serial number.

  • @CouponValidUntilDate@: expiration date

  • @CouponValue@: value.

Date Print Tokens

When a transaction issues a coupon, the following print tokens can be used to show information pertaining to the coupon:
  • @PointsStartDate>date_format@: when points began to accrue.

  • @PointsExpirationDate>date_format@: when points will expire.

  • @ActivationOrIssueDate>date_format@: when the account was activated or issued.

  • @ValidUntilDate>date_format@: when the account becomes invalid.

Use the following table to define the date format to be printed. The variables are case-sensitive.

Table 9-2 Date Formatting

Variable Description Example(s)



yyyy = 2005

yy = 05



MMMM = September

MMM = Sep

MM = 09


Week in year (1–52)

w = 26


Week in month (1–4)

W = 2


Day in year (1–366)

D = 189


Day in month (1–31)

d = 18


Day of week in month

F = 2


Day of week

EEEE = Tuesday

EE = Tue



a = AM


Hour of day (0–23)

H = 0


Hour of day (1–24)

k =24


Hour of day (0–11)

K = 0


Hour of day (1–12)

h = 12







For example:
  • @PointsStartDate>MMMM d, yyyy@ outputs September 25, 2005

  • @PointsStartDate>d MMM, ‘yy@ outputs 25 Sep, ‘05

  • @PointsStartDate>MMMM d, yyyy, at h:mm a@ outputs September 25, 2005, at 9:30 AM

  • @PointsStartDate>Fnd EEE in MMMM@ outputs 2nd Tuesday in September

Customer Information Print Tokens

You can use print tokens to show information specific to the customer registered to the program account. For example, if you add the following line to a chit:

Thank you for visiting, @CustomerName@!

Then for a customer named John, the chit prints:

Thank you for visiting, John!

Customer information may not be registered to the account. For example, while Gift and Loyalty creates an account when issuing a card, it may not require customer information to be entered at the workstation, and the account may not require customer information before usage. The system can also take one or more days to process information entered in To avoid printing lines with empty values, use the @CustomerExists@ token to check for customer information before printing text. For example, if you add the following lines to a chit:

@CustomerExists@Thank you for visiting, @CustomerName@!@CustomerExists@

See you again soon!

When the account used in the transaction contains customer information for John, the chit prints:

Thank you for visiting, John!

See you again soon!

When the account used in the transaction does not contain customer information, the chit prints:

See you again soon!

The following print tokens can be used to show customer information:

  • @CustomerName@

  • @CustomerFirstName@

  • @CustomerLastName@

  • @CustomerAddressLine1@

  • @CustomerAddressLine2@

  • @CustomerEmailAddress@

  • @CustomerCity@

  • @CustomerState@

  • @CustomerHomePhoneNumber@

  • @CustomerPostalCode@

  • @CustomerCountry@

  • @CustomerFriendlyProgramName@

  • @CustomerPOSTextMessage@

Print Directives

Print directives as described in the following table directly modify printer behavior while printing the chit or receipt:
Intended Behavior Print Directive Description and Example

Perform a full cut.


Printers with autocut functionality perform a full cut on the receipt paper at the %CUT% directive. This directive does not allow for partial cuts or perforations.

For example, for transactions that issue a coupon, you can use the directive to cut the receipt and then print the coupon on a separate sheet.

Use double-wide characters.



Printers use double-wide characters, or boldface type for roll printers, for text starting with the %DWON% directive.

New lines default to the normal font type. Use %DWOFF% to return to using the normal font type before the end of a line.

For example, you can configure the account number to print in double-wide characters: %DWON%ACCNT# @AccountNumber@

Use red ink.



Roll printers with a two-color ribbon use red ink for text starting with the %RON% directive. Thermal printers without color printing print text in inverse.

New lines default to the normal font type. Use %ROFF% to return to using default ink color before the end of a line.

For example, you can configure the points total to print in red ink for visibility: Points: %RON%@PointsBalance@%ROFF% causes the receipt to print Points: in regular ink and the point balance in red ink.

Center text horizontally.


Printers center text horizontally for lines that begin with %C%.