Setting Up Birthday Discounts

Follow the instructions to set up a discount when a customer visits at or around their birthday.

  1. Create an eligibility rule to require at least one purchase, and then assign a birthday time rule.
    1. Create a Use with Loyalty Rule eligibility rule.
    2. Select the Num Items in Transaction item rule type, and then enter 1 as the Item Quantity.
    3. Click Save, select the eligibility rule, click Edit Time Rules, and then click Add.
    4. Select Birthday Anniversary Rule from Type.
    5. To configure the amount of time before and after the birthday that the discount is available, select the Period Range Type and enter the duration in Periods Before or After.
  2. Configure the discount:
    1. Create a Points Awards Rule loyalty rule.
    2. Select a Precedence and make sure this discount has the highest precedence of all point award rules.
    3. Select the Eligibility Rule you created.
    4. On the Awards tab, select Points Balance Total from Balance Use Type.
    5. Enter 0 in Point Threshold.
    6. Select Issue Immediate Discount from Award Type.
    7. Configure the discount by selecting the Award Discount Type, and then entering the Discount & Award Amount or Discount Percentage based on the selected type.
    8. Enter 0 in Point Cost.
    9. If you want the receipt to print with a message about the discount, enter the message in POS Print Text.
    10. Select Require Customer Info to require that the customer have an account before they can begin using the discounts.
    11. Select Once Per Year.