Setting Up Points Per Visit Loyalty Programs

Follow these instructions to set up a loyalty program that accumulates a loyalty points based on visits or transactions.

  1. Set up the loyalty program. Loyalty Programs Configuration Reference contains more information about setting up the program.
    1. Create a Loyalty program.
    2. On the Loyalty Programs tab, select Auto Create Loyalty Accounts to allow Gift and Loyalty to create a loyalty account for a customer being issued points for the first time. Do not select the option if you want to require customers to create an account prior to the transaction.
  2. Set up the card accounts for the loyalty program:
    1. Create the card rules depending on whether you are using Oracle MICROS Gift and Loyalty iCards or a third-party card:
    2. Assign one or more card rules to the program and specify the applicable locations.
    3. Create card numbers for the program and card rule, and then have the cards printed.
  3. Create an eligibility rule to require at least one purchase. You can also require the transaction to include purchases of specific items to be eligible for points. Eligibility Rule Configuration Reference contains more information about eligibility rules.
    1. Create a Use with Loyalty Rule eligibility rule.
    2. Select the Num Items in Transaction item rule type, and then enter 1 as the Item Quantity.
    3. To set a minimum requirement for the transaction to count as a visit, enter a Check Min Value. For example, enter 1 to require a transaction to be worth at least a dollar, and to prevent customers from accruing points by purchasing a $0.75 candy bar.
  4. Create and assign a loyalty rule to the program. Loyalty Rule Configuration Reference contains more information about loyalty rules.
    1. Create a Points Issue Rule loyalty rule, and then select the Eligibility Rule you created.
    2. Click the Points tab.
    3. In the Point Calc Method Type drop-down list, select Per visit, and then enter the number of points per visit in Point Factor.
  5. Configure the Point Issue touchscreen key, and then add it to the Point-of-Sale screens. Configuring Point-of-Sale Touchscreen Keys contains more information about the Point-of-Sale touchscreen keys.