Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5:代码分析器用户指南


更新时间: 2016 年 6 月

在测试套件中使用 codean

您可以将 –-unioncodean 结合使用来处理多个动态报告。它可用来显示、保存测试套件中运行 discover 后生成的结果,以及显示相应的新问题或已修复的问题。以下示例显示了如何使用 discovercodean -–union

在测试套件中使用 discover 准备二进制文件

  1. 使用 discover 检测 a.out
  2. 选择 Analytics 输出:discover -a a.out

    这将清除 a.out.analyze/dynamic/ 下的所有现有动态报告。

  3. 在测试套件上运行检测过的二进制文件。

    缺省情况下,每次运行的结果都会保存在一个单独的文件中,latest 报告是最新结果的符号链接。例如,运行 a.out 5 次后,a.out.analyze/dynamic/ 目录如下所示:

    $ ls -l a.out.analyze/dynamic/
    total 11
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 18 May 1 15:14 latest -> ./latest.AAAvCaWri
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 588 Apr 30 10:05 latest.AAACRaOId
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 587 Apr 15 15:03 latest.AAAQcayId
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 587 Apr 30 10:05 latest.AAAe5aWId
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 587 Apr 15 15:03 latest.AAAlCaGId
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 587 May 1 15:14 latest.AAAvCaWri 

    使用 discover 准备好报告后,可以使用 codean 处理 a.out.analyze/dynamic/ 下的所有动态报告。



% codean --union -d a.out

codean 命令按字母顺序处理 a.out.analyze/dynamic 下的所有单独的动态报告。它只生成文本输出(即,不是组合的 Analytics 输出或 HTML 输出,与标准 codean 运行不同)。对于同一问题,不管呈现的是哪种报告,该问题的详细信息仅显示在第一个实例。对于该问题的其他表现形式,codean 仅显示有限的信息,如下所示:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes
ERROR 1: repeated 1 time 

discover 信息仅在整个报告的结尾处显示一次,以汇总整个测试套件的问题计数。本示例的完整 codean 输出如下所示:

$ codean --union -d a.out

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAACRaOId:

ERROR 1 (UMR): accessing uninitialized data in "*i" at address 0x8090010 (4 bytes) on the heap at:
main() + 0xe1 <hello.c : 10>
5: {
6: int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
8: int j = 0;
10:=> j = *i;
12: return 0;
_start() + 0x71
was allocated at (4 bytes):
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
8: int j = 0;
_start() + 0x71

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAQcayId:

LEAK 1: 1 allocation with total size of 4 bytes
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
8: int j = 0;
_start() + 0x71
ERROR 1: repeated 1 time

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAe5aWId:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes
ERROR 1: repeated 1 time

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAlCaGId:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes
ERROR 1: repeated 1 time

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAvCaWri:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes
ERROR 1: repeated 1 time

DISCOVER SUMMARY for a.out: 1 non-leak issues, 1 leak issues
unique errors : 1 (5 total)
unique warnings : 0 (0 total)
unique leaks : 1 (4 blocks, 16 bytes)
unique possible leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes) 

请注意,对确定性泄露和可能性泄露的处理方式有所不同。对于标准 codean 运行,泄露是确定性泄露还是可能性泄露完全取决于 Analytics 报告中的置信度值。但是,对于“测试套件”codean 运行,如果泄露在任意动态报告中为确定性泄露,那么它在其余的报告中也将被标识为确定性泄露,无论这些报告中的置信度值为何。请参见以下“测试套件”codean 和标准 codean 报告中 LEAK 1 的显示方式:

 $ codean --union -d a.out

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAACRaOId:

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAQcayId:

LEAK 1: 1 allocation with total size of 4 bytes
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
8: int j = 0;
_start() + 0x71

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAe5aWId:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAlCaGId:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes

Displaying dynamic report of a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAAvCaWri:

LEAK 1: repeated, 1 blocks, 4 bytes

DISCOVER SUMMARY for a.out: 1 non-leak issues, 1 leak issues
unique errors : 1 (5 total)
unique warnings : 0 (0 total)
unique leaks : 1 (4 blocks, 16 bytes)
unique possible leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes)

tests$ codean -d a.out
DYNAMIC report of a.out:
LEAK (Possible leak) 1: 1 allocation with total size of 4 bytes
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
8: int j = 0;
_start() + 0x71
DISCOVER SUMMARY for a.out: 1 non-leak issues, 1 leak issues
unique errors : 1 (1 total)
unique warnings : 0 (0 total)
unique leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes)
unique possible leaks : 1 (1 blocks, 4 bytes) 



% codean --save --union -d --tag run1 a.out

a.out.analyze/dynamic/ 下的每个动态报告都保存在单独的文件中。

$ ls -l a.out.analyze/history/run1/
total 15
lrwxrwxrwx 1 demoUser demo 26 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic -> ./dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId
-rw-r--r-- 1 demoUser demo 674 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId
-rw-r--r-- 1 demoUser demo 847 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic.latest.AAAQcayId
-rw-r--r-- 1 demoUser demo 847 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic.latest.AAAe5aWId
-rw-r--r-- 1 demoUser demo 847 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic.latest.AAAlCaGId
-rw-r--r-- 1 demoUser demo 847 Sep 30 11:09 dynamic.latest.AAAvCaWri 



% codean --whatisnew --union -d --tag run1 a.out
% codean --whatisfixed --union -d --tag run1 a.out

codean 命令将当前位于 a.out.analyze/dynamic/ 下的所有动态报告的新问题以及 a.out.analyze/history/run1/ 下的所有已保存动态报告的已修复问题分别显示为一组。下面是样例输出。

注 -  对可能性泄露和确定性泄露的处理方式与显示测试套件的报告中所述的处理方式相同。
$ codean --whatisnew --union -d --tag run1 a.out
DYNAMIC report of a.out showing new issues:
New issues in a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAARTaOxS:
ERROR 1 (ABR): reading memory beyond array bounds at address 0xfeffdef8 (4 bytes) on the stack at:
main() + 0x68 <hello.c : 11>
6: // int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
7: int i[30];
9: int j = 0;
11:=> j = i[35];
13: return 0;
_start() + 0x71
New issues in a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAATDaGxS:
ERROR 1 is a new, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in latest.AAARTaOxS.
New issues in a.out.analyze/dynamic/latest.AAArca4wS:
ERROR 1 is a new, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in latest.AAARTaOxS.

DISCOVER SUMMARY for a.out: 1 new non-leak issues, 0 new leak issues
new unique errors : 1 (3 total)
new unique warnings : 0 (0 total)
new unique leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes)
new unique possible leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes)

tests$ codean --whatisfixed --union -d --tag run1 a.out
DYNAMIC report of a.out showing fixed issues:
Fixed issues in a.out.analyze/history/run1/dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId:
ERROR 1 (UMR): accessing uninitialized data in "*i" at address 0x8090010 (4 bytes) on the heap at:
(Warning: Source files have changed. Source code shown below may not be accurate.)
main() + 0xe1 <hello.c : 10>
6: // int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
7: int i[30];
9: int j = 0;
11: j = i[35];
_start() + 0x71
was allocated at (4 bytes):
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> // int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
7: int i[30];
_start() + 0x71
Fixed issues in a.out.analyze/history/run1/dynamic.latest.AAAQcayId:
ERROR 1 is a fixed, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId.
LEAK 1: 1 allocation with total size of 4 bytes
(Warning: Source files have changed. Source code shown below may not be accurate.)
main() + 0x5e <hello.c : 6>
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6:=> // int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));
7: int i[30];
_start() + 0x71
Fixed issues in a.out.analyze/history/run1/dynamic.latest.AAAe5aWId:
ERROR 1 is a fixed, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId.
LEAK 1 is a fixed, but repeated leak. It was first seen as LEAK 1 in dynamic.latest.AAAQcayId.
Fixed issues in a.out.analyze/history/run1/dynamic.latest.AAAlCaGId:
ERROR 1 is a fixed, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId.
LEAK 1 is a fixed, but repeated leak. It was first seen as LEAK 1 in dynamic.latest.AAAQcayId.
Fixed issues in a.out.analyze/history/run1/dynamic.latest.AAAvCaWri:
ERROR 1 is a fixed, but repeated error. It was first seen as ERROR 1 in dynamic.latest.AAACRaOId.
LEAK 1 is a fixed, but repeated leak. It was first seen as LEAK 1 in dynamic.latest.AAAQcayId.

DISCOVER SUMMARY for a.out: 1 fixed non-leak issues, 1 fixed leak issues
fixed unique errors : 1 (5 total)
fixed unique warnings : 0 (0 total)
fixed unique leaks : 1 (4 blocks, 16 bytes)
fixed unique possible leaks : 0 (0 blocks, 0 bytes)