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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Command Line Reports and Database Maintenance User's Guide
Release 4.0

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1 Master Person Index Reports

This chapter introduces you to Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index (OHMPI) reports, and provides information about the different types of reports you can create.

This chapter includes the following section:

1.1 Learning About Master Person Index Reports

Several standard reports are provided with master person index applications that allow you to monitor and review the state of the information in the master person index database. You can run these reports through the OHMPI Master Index Data Manager (MIDM) or from a command line. The following sections provide an overview of each report.

1.1.1 Master Person Index Command Line Reports

Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index provides a set of production and activity reports that can be generated from a command line or from the MIDM. The command line report client is created in NetBeans_Projects\Project_Name\report-client when you generate the master person index application.

The production reports provide information about transactional changes to the data in the master person index application and about the current state of that data, helping you monitor stored data and determine how that data needs to be updated. This information also helps verify that the matching logic and weight thresholds are defined correctly. Activity reports provide statistical information for transactions over specific periods of time.

In order to run the command line reports, you must have the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7.0_75 or later installed on the machine where the report files reside. For additional reporting needs, the database is accessible using any commercially available ODBC-compliant reporting tool. You can also define reports using Java, PL/SQL, or SQL. About Production Reports

You must run production reports to provide information about the transactions that are processed through the master person index database. These reports provide lists of potential duplicate records, merge transactions, unmerge transactions, assumed matches, updates, and deactivated records for a specified time period. The information you find in these reports helps you analyze your matching threshold configuration, and provides valuable information about how data is being processed with your current configuration. In addition to running the production reports daily, you should run them against any data that has been loaded from existing systems into the master person index database in batch format. About Activity Reports

Activity reports should be run weekly, monthly, and yearly to obtain statistical data about the transactions that are processed through the master person index database. These reports give the number of each type of transaction performed for the specified week, month, or year. They also provide cumulative information for the week, month, or year to date. The information you find in these reports helps analyze the matching threshold configuration and the condition of your data by giving you the number of potential duplicates created, the number of assumed matches, and so on.

1.1.2 Master Person Index Report Configuration

The reports are configured by XML files. For the command line reports, the configuration files are located in the report home directory in the config subdirectory. The file CompanyReport.xml provides an example of how the file might be configured for a company object; the file PersonReport.xml provides an example of how the file might be configured for a person object. You can use either file for your reports. When you create a new master person index application, you can specify the fields that appear on reports.

The configuration files allow you to specify which reports to run, the time period of the transactions to include in each report, and the name and location of the report files. You can also define various report details, such as the name of each report, which fields to include, and the names and sizes of the report columns. Most of these changes should only need to be made one time, before you first run the reports.

1.1.3 Creating Custom Master Person Index Reports

If the standard reports do not provide you with all the information you need, you can create custom reports using PL/SQL, SQL, or Java (using lookup methods in the MasterController class). You can also access the database using any ODBC-compliant report writer (such as Crystal Reports), providing you with the flexibility to report on any information contained in the master person index database.

1.1.4 Masked Data in Master Person Index Reports

The MIDM can be configured to hide certain fields from users who do not have the appropriate security permissions. However, reports will display hidden data if those fields are configured to appear on the reports. Be sure to only give access to users who should be able to view this information, or do not include hidden fields in the reports.

1.1.5 Master Person Index Production Reports

The standard production reports help you to monitor and analyze the data in the master person index database. You can view information about the transactions processed and about any potential duplicates or assumed matches that result from these transactions.

Each report has certain fields that are always displayed and certain fields that are configured to display. You can customize the configured fields that appear on each report as needed. By default, CompanyReport.xml configures all reports to include the company name, type, stock symbol, primary contact, street address, city, and telephone number fields. PersonReport.xml configures all reports to include the first name, last name, date of birth, SSN, and address line 1 and 2 fields. The fields that are always displayed are described for each report in the following sections.

Production reports can be run for the current day, the previous day, or for a date range you specify. If you run your daily reports in the evening, you should run the current day's reports. If you run your daily reports in the morning, you should run the previous day's reports. Assumed Match Report

This report displays information about any records that were automatically updated by incoming data during the specified time period. The information in this report, in combination with data from the potential duplicate report, helps you determine whether the matching threshold for assumed matches is accurate. You should review this report daily to ensure that no assumed matches were made in error. The master person index application provides the ability to undo an assumed match that was made in error.

The assumed match report always includes the following information about the record that was updated: enterprise-wide unique identifier (EUID), system code, local ID, and matching weight. The report provides the same information for the incoming message that updated the existing record with the exception of the EUID. You can configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project. Deactivated Record Report

This report displays a list of all enterprise records that were deactivated during the specified time period. This report does not include system records that were deactivated. Review this report daily to ensure that no records were deactivated in error. The master person index application provides the ability to reactivate any deactivated record. The deactivated record report always includes the EUID of the deactivated record, and you can configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project. Potential Duplicate Report

This report displays information about records that were marked as potential duplicates of one another during the specified time period. The information provided on this report can help you determine whether the matching (or upper) threshold and the duplicate threshold are configured accurately. The information for each record on the potential duplicate report always includes EUIDs of both records, the system code, and the matching weight between each potential duplicate pair. You can configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project.

If same system matching is not enabled and two duplicate records from the same system on this report have a matching weight above the match threshold, it is an indication that the records most likely represent the same person. Review the potential duplicate report daily to determine if two records need to be merged or if they can be resolved. Use this report as a work list when working with potential duplicates. Merge Transaction Report

This report displays a list of all enterprise records that were merged during the specified time period. Review this report daily to ensure that no records were merged in error. The master person index application provides the ability to unmerge any merged records. The merge transaction report always includes the EUID of each record affected by the merge. You can also configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project. UnMerge Transaction Report

This report displays a list of all enterprise records that were unmerged during the specified time period. This report always includes the EUIDs of both records involved in the unmerge transaction, and you can configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project. Update Report

This report displays records whose information was updated during the specified time period. Review this report daily to verify the updates made in a given day. This report can help explain why a resolved potential duplicate listing was reinstated to the potential duplicate list. The update report always includes the following information about the record that was updated: EUID, system code, and local ID. You can configure the report to include any additional fields from the defined object structure in object.xml in the master person index project. The updated fields might not necessarily appear on this report.

1.1.6 Master Person Index Activity Reports

The activity reports help you to monitor and analyze the transactions in the master person index database by providing statistical data about each transaction type. Unlike the production reports, the information displayed on the activity reports is not configurable. The information displayed on these reports is described for each report in the following sections. Activity reports can be run for any week, month, or year you specify. Weekly Activity Report

This report displays a summary of transactions that occurred against the database on each day for the specified calendar week (always Sunday through Saturday). The information provided in this summary includes the number of each of the following transactions performed each day.

  • Add

  • Update

  • EUID Deactivate

  • EUID Merge

  • EUID Unmerge

  • LID Merge

  • LID Unmerge

  • LID Transfer Monthly Activity Report

This report displays a summary of transactions that occurred against the database during the specified month. You can run this report for any calendar month. The information provided in this summary includes the number of each of the following transactions that were performed for the month:

  • Add

  • EUID Deactivate

  • EUID Merge

  • EUID Unmerge

  • LID Merge

  • LID Unmerge

  • Unresolved Potential Duplicates

  • Resolved Potential Duplicates Yearly Activity Report

This report displays a summary of transactions that occurred against the database for the specified calendar year. You can run this report for any calendar year. The information provided in this report includes a summary of each transaction listed for the monthly activity report above.

1.1.7 Master Person Index Database Indexes

Some of the reports you run can grow quite large, impacting the performance of the report client. The following indexes are created in the database to improve performance.






These indexes should be removed prior to performing an initial load or batch load of data.