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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Command Line Reports and Database Maintenance User's Guide
Release 4.0

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2 Master Person Index Command Line Reports

This chapter describes elements in report configuration files, and provides instructions for configuring an OHMPI report environment, configuring OHMPI command line reports, and running the reports from a command line.

This chapter includes the following section:

2.1 Working With Master Person Index Command Line Reports

The following sections provide procedures for configuring the environment and reports, along with running the reports. They also provide information about report properties.


For information about running the reports from the MIDM, see Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Master Index Data Manager User's Guide.

The reports are automatically generated at NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/report-client. You must also have the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v. 1.6 or later installed on the machine from which the reports are run. Be sure you have configured the database connection for the master person index application using the WebLogic Admin Console.

2.1.1 Configuring the Master Person Index Report Environment

Before running the master person index reports from a command line, you must configure the report environment. To Set up the Environment

  1. If you install or move the reports files to a machine other than the application server machine, make sure JDK 1.7.0_75 or later is installed on the machine where the files reside.

  2. Set up all Java environment variables as specified in the Java documentation.

  3. Create one environment variable, JAVA_HOME, and set it to the home directory of the JDK installation.

  4. If you run the reports using the Java command and not the supplied batch file, modify the CLASSPATH variable before running the reports for the first time by adding the absolute path and filename of the files in the lib subdirectory of the reports home directory to the CLASSPATH variable.

2.1.2 Configuring Master Person Index Command Line Reports

Before running any reports from the command line, you must customize the XML configuration file. You can use either of the files located in the reports directory in the OHMPI subdirectory. A default XML file named PersonReport.xml is defined for a person object and a default XML file named CompanyReport.xml is defined for a company object. You can use either of these as a basis for your production configuration file. Report configuration includes two steps: defining the overall report configuration and configuring the individual reports. Defining the Command Line Report Configuration

The first section of the report configuration file is indicated by the DOCTYPE and the report elements and tells the report client how to connect to the application server, which application to run the reports against, and where to output the report files.


The DOCTYPE element indicates the type of document being generated. Do not change this value. To Define the Command Line Report Configuration
  1. In the SYSTEM element, enter the location of the DTD file for the reports.

    By default, this file is named report.dtd, and is located in the config directory. You should not need to modify this attribute unless you move report.dtd

  2. In the appserver element, enter the IIOP address for the application server.

    This must be in the format corbaname:iiop:host:port, where host is the name of the server and port is the ORB port number.

  3. In the application element, enter the name of the primary object used by the master person index application.

  4. In the output-folder element, enter the location in which the generated reports will be placed.

    If an output directory is specified in the command line, that directory overrides the one specified here. If the output directory already exists, the report client issues a warning that any existing report files will be overwritten and gives you the option of cancelling the reports. Configuring Command Line Reports

A configuration section is defined for each of the six report templates. Use these sections to configure each report to display information as you want to view it. You can also specify which reports to run. To Configure Command Line Reports

For each report, make the following modifications before running the reports. Each element or attribute mentioned in the following instructions is defined in the Master Person Index Command Line Report Properties table. There are six stanzas for you to modify, one for each report.

  1. In the XML file you will use for your implementation, scroll to the report element.

  2. Name the report in the report name attribute.

  3. Specify whether or not to run the report in the enable element.

  4. Define the name of the output file in the output-file element.

  5. Specify a time period for the report by modifying the type element and, optionally, the from-date and to-date elements.

  6. Define the fields to include on the report by modifying the elements in the fields element.

  7. When you have finished configuring each report, save and close the file.

    A sample report configuration appears below.

    <report name="Potential Duplicate Today"
     template="Potential Duplicate">
        <dates type="today" from-date="" to-date=""/>
        <field path="Person.FirstName" label="First Name" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.LastName" label="Last Name" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.SSN" label="SSN" width="9"/>
        <field path="Person.DOB" label="DOB" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.Address.AddressLine1"
          label="AddressLine1" width="30"/>
        <field path="Person.Address.AddressLine2"
          label="AddressLine2" width="30"/>
    </report> Master Person Index Command Line Report Properties

The following table lists and describes the elements in the report configuration files that define the configuration of each production and activity report.

Element/Attribute Description
report Defines each report run by the batch file. Each report is defined by a report element.
report/name The descriptive name of the report. This can be any string, and appears as the title in the specified report.
report/template The template to use for the type of report being generated. You should not need to modify this element, but you can specify any of the following templates.
  • Assumed Match

  • Potential Duplicate

  • Deactivated

  • Merged

  • Unmerged

  • Update

  • Weekly Activity

  • Monthly Activity

  • Yearly Activity

enable Specifies whether to run the report for the current run. Specify true to run the report; specify false to disable the report. This option allows you to run one report at a time.
output-file The name of the file generated by the report client. This file is created in the output directory defined earlier in the file or in the output directory specified in the command line (the command line output directory overrides the configuration file output directory).
max-result-size The number of records to display on the report. If no value is entered, or if the value is zero (0), the size defaults to 1000 records. To retrieve all records for a report, enter a very large value for this element.
page-size The number of records returned to the report generator at one time for each report.
criteria Defines the date range for the report.
dates/type Indicates the type of date range to use for the report. Specify today to report on transactions with today's date; specify yesterday to report on transactions with yesterday's date; or specify range to enter a specific range of dates. If you specify range, you must enter the date range in the from-date and to-date attributes.

Note: If you enter a type of today or yesterday and you enter a date range, only the type will be used. For the activity reports, entering today runs the report for the current week, month, or year. Entering yesterday only runs the previous week's report if yesterday was a Saturday.

dates/from-date The starting date when using a date range for the report. Enter the starting date for the report transactions in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHmmss format. If you enter a date in this element, you must enter a later date in the to-date element and specify range in the type element.

Note: For the activity reports, you can enter the range for the week, month, or year (depending on the type of activity report) on which you want to report. If the dates you specify do not fall within one calendar week, month, or year, the report client creates a report for the calendar week, month, or year containing the from-date and ignores the to-date value.

dates/to-date The ending date when using a date range for the report. Enter the ending date for the report in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHmmss format.
status This element is valid for the potential duplicate report only, and indicates the status of the potential duplicate pairs to display on the report. Specify any of the following values:
  • U - Only unresolved potential duplicates appear on the report.

  • A - Only potential duplicates that are permanently resolved (auto-resolved) appear on the report.

  • R - Only resolved potential duplicates appear on the report.

    Leaving the status blank results in potential duplicates of all statuses appearing on the report.

fields A list of fields to display on the report in addition to those that is displayed automatically. This element should be empty for the activity reports. If a list of fields is supplied for these reports, it is ignored.
field/path The ePath to a field you want to include in the report. For more information about ePaths, see Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.

Note: You cannot use the asterisk option in the ePaths you specify here.

field/label The column label for the specified field in the report.
field/width The width of the column for the specified field in the report. If a field value is larger than the width specified, that value will be truncated in the report.

2.1.3 Running Master Person Index Command Line Reports

Once you have configured the reports, you can run them by either running the batch provided with the reports or using the Java command.


The application server must be running with the master person index project deployed and enabled in order to generate command line reports. To Run the Reports Using the Batch File

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to the location of the report files.

  2. Type the following all on one line:

    ReportClient.bat -f config_file- d output_directory

    where config_file is the name of the report configuration file to use, and output_directory is the location to which the reports will be written. This value overwrites the value specified in the configuration file. If this option is not specified, the configuration file value is used.


    The ReportClient.bat file must reside in the reports home directory at the same level as the lib and config subdirectories in order for the environment variables to be set up correctly.
  3. To view the reports, navigate to the location you specified as your output path and open the files in any text editor. To Run the Reports Using a Java Command

Before running the reports for the first time, set up the environment variables as described in Section, "To Set up the Environment".

  1. At the command prompt, type the following all on one line:

    java f config_file- d output_directory

    where config_file is the name of the report configuration file to use and output_directory is the location to which the reports will be written. This value overwrites the value specified in the configuration file. If this option is not specified, the configuration file value is used.


    An additional option, -h, can be used to obtain help information for the report client.
  2. To view the reports, navigate to the location you specified as your output path and open the files in any text editor.