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Installing Oracle Tuxedo Using Console-Mode Installation

Installing Oracle Tuxedo Using Console-Mode Installation
The following sections describe how to install Oracle Tuxedo using console-mode installation:
What Is Console-Mode Installation?
The Oracle Tuxedo installer provides a console installation mode without GUI requirement. Console-mode installation provides a console interactive interface, and then calls the OUI silent-mode to install the product.
Console-mode installation supports different UNIX platforms including (Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX).
Starting Console-Mode Installation on a UNIX System
To start the Console-mode installation process on a UNIX system, follow these steps:
For disk space requirements, see Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Platform Data Sheets. For important disk space allocation information, see File and Database Management and Disk Space Allocation.
Go to and download the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) installation file specific to your platform.
Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer, unzip the installer file, and then go to the Disk1/install directory, set up environment variable JAVA_HOME to JRE or JDK, on the command line input ./ -console to invoke the installation procedure.
Java version should be 1.7 or higher. JAVA_HOME and Java version are checked. If JAVA_HOME is not set or the java version is less than 1.7, installation is aborted.

Other options are not supported with -console (such as -invPtrLoc).
Running Console-Mode Installation
The Oracle Tuxedo installer program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see Table 3‑1.
Table 3‑1 Instructions
Entering "0" returns to Introduction screen.
If you select “private inventory”, input your inventory pointer file as follows:
Enter your private inventory pointer file: /nfs/users/beadev/tmp/oraInventory/oraInst.loc.example0
Enter private inventory directory: /nfs/users/beadev/tmp/oraInventory
Inventory pointer file should be a legal file, which means: this file exist and you have the privilege to read, or this file doesn't exist but the parent directory of this file is writable.

Private inventory directory
should be a legal directory, which means: this directory exist and you have the privileges to write, or this directory doesn't exist but the parent directory of this directory is writable.

should not be null.
If you enter a number 1, please specify ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_NAME. Make sure:
ORACLE_HOME does not exist, and the parent directory should be writable.
ORACLE_HOME_NAME should not be null.
If you enter 2, the existing Oracle Home list is displayed.You can choose a number from the list. Make sure that the selected Oracle Home is writable and if it has installed Tuxedo, it should be the same as the installing Tuxedo version. Otherwise, you must choose another Oracle Home.
"0" returns you to the Choose Oracle Home screen.

Custom Install is only supported in GUI mode; it is not supported in Console mode.
"0" returns you to the Choose Install Type screen.
If 1, you should choose to configure LDAP for SSL support.
"0" returns to the Confirm Enable TSAM Plus Agent screen.
If 1, input required arguments. Make sure that LDAP service Name, PortID, BaseObject should not be null and your own LDAP Filter File should be a legal file.
Congratulations! Your installation of the Oracle Tuxedo software is complete!
Assigning File Ownership on a UNIX System
If you installed the Oracle Tuxedo software on a UNIX system, Oracle strongly recommends that you create a separate user account for the Oracle Tuxedo administrator and give ownership of the Oracle Tuxedo files to that account. To change ownership of the Oracle Tuxedo software on a UNIX machine, enter the following command:
chown -R adm_account full_path_of_tux_prod_dir
chgrp -R adm_group full_path_of_tux_prod_dir
Replace adm_account with the Oracle Tuxedo administrator account, replace adm_group with the Oracle Tuxedo administrator group ID, and replace full_path_of_tux_prod_dir with the full pathname of the product directory in which you installed the Oracle Tuxedo software.
What Do I Do Next?
To configure your Oracle Tuxedo software, verify that your software is installed correctly, or to uninstall Oracle Tuxedo software, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.

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