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System Messages: LIBWSC Catalog 1900-1999

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ERROR: Cannot join application in multi-context mode


A /WS client called tpinit with the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set, but the client had already joined the application without this flag set and has not done an intervening tpterm.


Ensure that all calls to tpinit are done with the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set or do a tpterm before the tpinit. tpinit will fail with TPEPROTO.

See Also

tpinit(3), tpterm(3)


ERROR: Failed to create a new context in multi-context mode


The /WS client tried to create a new context and failed. This indicates that either a mutex lock failed or a dynamic memory allocation failed (usually the latter).


Ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Failed to set context to newly created context


A /WS client failed to set the context that was created in tpinit.


This should not occur. Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot join application in single-context mode


A /WS client called tpinit without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag but tpinit has already been called with that flag and there has not been an intervening call to tpterm.


Ensure that all calls to tpinit are done without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set or do a tpterm before the tpinit. tpinit will fail with TPEPROTO.

See Also

tpinit(3), tpterm(3)


INFO: Switched to dip-in based notification


A /WS client program did not specify a notification method and the default notification method for notification is THREAD. However, the platform does not support threads so the notification method will be downgraded to DIPIN.


No action required.

See Also

tpinit(3), ubbconfig(5)


ERROR: Unable to append unsolicited recipient information


While attempting an unsolicited message notification, the client was unable to attach routing information to the buffer.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also

tpnotify, tpbroadcast, tpsetunsol, tpchkunsol


ERROR: Improper workstation message


While attempting an unsolicited message notification, the client found a malformed message.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also

tpnotify, tpbroadcast, tpsetunsol, tpchkunsol


ERROR: Improper workstation message


A message received in receipt of an unsolicited message was malformed.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also

tpnotify, tpbroadcast, tpsetunsol, tpchkunsol


ERROR: Unable to reset internal buffer


An internal buffer used by the workstation client is corrupted.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed.


Ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed.


Ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Unable to retrieve a stored message reply


While receiving a reply message, a /WS client was unable to process the stored message replies. Currently, this can only happen if a mutex lock fails.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to save an unsolicited message


While getting an in-coming message, a /WS client was unable to store the message. This can occur if a mutex lock or memory allocation fails.


Check the log for related messages.


ERROR: Unable to save a message reply


While receiving an in-coming message, a /WS client was unable to store the message. This can occur if a mutex lock or memory allocation fails.


Check the log for related messages.


ERROR: tpsetunsol() not called, dropping unsolicited message.


An unsolicited message was received in a /WS client that did not previously call tpsetunsol. The message will be dropped.


Call tpsetunsol in the /WS client to receive unsolicited messages.

See Also



ERROR: tpcommit() error due to failed attempt to lock mutex


In a /WS client, tpcommit failed because a mutex lock failed. tperrno will be set to TPESYSTEM


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: tpabort() error due to failed attempt to lock mutex


In a /WS client, tpabort failed because a mutex lock failed. tperrno will be set to TPESYSTEM


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Failed to acquire mutex


In a /WS client, receiving a message failed because a mutex lock failed. tperrno will be set to TPESYSTEM


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: tpsuspend() error due to failed attempt to lock mutex


An internal error occurred in locking a mutex.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: tpresume() error due to failed attempt to lock mutex


An internal error occurred in locking a mutex.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: tpbegin() error due to failed attempt to lock mutex


An internal error occurred in locking a mutex.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: tpacall() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpacall() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpacall() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpacall() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpgetrply() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpgetrply() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpgetrply() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpgetrply() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: context terminated by another thread in this process


An ATMI call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, this ATMI call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking this ATMI call is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpcall() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpcall() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpcall() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpcall() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpconnect() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpconnect() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpconnect() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpconnect() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpdiscon() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpdiscon() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpdiscon() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpdiscon() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tprecv() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tprecv() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tprecv() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tprecv() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpsend() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpsend() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpsend() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpsend() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpnotify() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpnotify() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpnotify() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpnotify() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: tpbroadcast() context terminated by another thread in this process


A tpbroadcast() call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, the tpbroadcast() call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking tpbroadcast() is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: context terminated by another thread in this process


An ATMI call made within a Oracle Tuxedo system context detected that the application association in which it was invoked had already been terminated by another thread in the process which had invoked tpterm() for that application association. As a result, this ATMI call returns failure and this message is written to the userlog. The thread invoking this ATMI call is placed in an invalid context and must issue tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again invoke most ATMI verbs.


A thread which receives this message must call tpsetctxt() or tpterm() before it can again issue most ATMI calls. At a more fundamental level, this message generally indicates that application threads are not synchronizing with each other as well as they should. Except in extreme error circumstances, an application should not be designed so that one thread is calling tpterm() while other threads are still active within that context.


ERROR: Internal system error at (val.val).


An internal system error occurred.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Buffer corrupted at (val.val).


Internal Tuxedo buffer is corrupted. Usually due invalid buffer header value in the buffer header.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Buffer presend failed at (val.val).


While handling a message before transmission (presend), the system was unable to process the message.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Buffer postrecv failed at (val.val).


While handling a message after transmission (postrecv), the system was unable to process the message.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Compression/decompression of message failed at (val.val).


Work station client cannot compress/decompress a message.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Error polling network connections


Work station client encountered an error polling a network connection using tmnwcpoll.


This indicates a network error. Check that the network connection to the WSH/WSL is not dropped If the connection has dropped, the work station client must rejoin the application. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

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