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System Messages: LIBWSC Catalog 2000-2099



ERROR: Unable to send gssapi token message


An attempt to send a message to the workstation handler with security tokens during the authentication exchange failed.


Check to see if the workstation handler process still exists and that there are no network problems with the connection to the handler.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to gssapi token message


An attempt to get a reply off the network from the workstation handler during the authentication exchange failed.


Check to see if the workstation handler process still exists and that there are no network problems with the connection to the handler.


ERROR: Received message not intended for this client


A message received off the network from the workstation handler during the authentication exchange failed. The message did not have the proper id for exchange to this client.


Check that there are no network problems with the connection to the handler as the message may have been corrupted. Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: gssapi function returned failure val


Calling of the init_sec_context() plugin security function returned failure. The authentication exchange failed.


Determine if the authentication failure was in error. If the failure was in error, take one of the following actions depending on whether the default supplied plugin is used. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog for possible causes of the failure. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check any logfiles written by the plugin, then check with the supplier of the plugin code as required.


ERROR: Unable to allocate space to save session key


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc() failed in the workstation client processing authentication protocol.


Ensure that the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: gssapi token reply returned an error


A message received over the network from the workstation handler during the authentication exchange returned with an error. The authentication exchange failed.


If the authentication plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check other userlog messages for cause of security failure. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check logfiles, if any, or contact the supplier of the plugin code.


ERROR: Unable to save the password


The call to save and encrypt the password failed.


Check the userlog for any applicable messages. If no messages apply, contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to initialize public key subsystem


An error occurred while initializing the public key subsystem. Possible causes for this failure include a user implementation of a plug-in function returning a failure code.


Ensure that the registry is in a valid state with epifregedt. Ensure the implementation of the plug-in function did not return an error code.

See Also

epifregedt, _ec_sec_map_proof, _ec_sec_pki_init


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on authentication failed. This call was being attempted due to a failure return from the authentication plugin security function init_sec_context(). No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, contact the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authentication failure, if the failure was not intended, check the registration, authentication configuration, and return from the init_sec_context() plugin security function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


A call to the audit_postop() plugin security function on authentication failed. This call was being attempted due to a failure return from the authentication plugin security function acquire_cred(). No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, contact the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authentication failure, if the failure was not intended, check the registration, authentication configuration, and return from the acquire_cred() plugin security function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


ERROR: The thread used for unsolicited message receipt failed to start


The Tuxedo application has specified THREAD as the notification method. However, the system is unable to create the thread used for unsolicited message receipt by the workstation client program.


Make sure you have not exceeded the system defined limit of threads that can be run in the system. If you have not exceeded this limit, then contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also

tpinit(3c), ubbconfig(5)


WARN: Could not join with the unsolicited message thread


The workstation client program is attempting to leave an application by calling tpterm() in a Tuxedo application that uses the THREAD notification method. The thread attempting to call tpterm() is unable to join the unsolicited message receipt thread. As a result, the unsolicited message receipt thread may still be running, and the system may be unable to reclaim resources used by this thread.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.

See Also



ERROR: Security exchange failure val


The GSSAPI security token exchange ended in unexpected failure of code val.


Contact your AAA security provider. If you are using the default AAA security provider provided by Oracle Systems, Inc., then contact Oracle Customer Support.


WARN: Unable to invoke audit postop on security failure


The post-operation audit point for a login failure failed.


Contact your AAA security provider. If you are using the default AAA security provider provided by Oracle Systems, Inc., then contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Support for security connection has been moved to a plug-in interface


A special source-code facility of workstation clients was connection to a third-party security interface. This feature has been removed, and replaced with a plug-in interface.


If your workstation client has need to connect to a security service, this can be achieved underneath a plug-in interface point.


ERROR: Must set WSINTOPPRE71 to 'yes' in order to interoperate with handlers prior to release 7.1


In order to close a potential security hole, clients must explicitly set this variable if they wish to allow interoperation with older workstation listeners and workstation handlers. If this variable is not set, then the workstation client will only run the newer, GSSAPI compliant security exchange.


If your workstation client needs to talk to older workstaition listeners or workstation handlers then the WSINTOPPRE71 variable must be set to 'yes'.


ERROR: Unable to send init request


The workstation client was unable to send the initialization opcode to the workstation handler.


Check your network connection. If the network connection is valid, contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Unable to get reply to init request


The workstation client was unable to recieve the reply to the initialization opcode from the workstation handler.


Check your network connection. If the network connection is valid, contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Invalid reply from init request


The workstation client recieved a reply from the workstation handler for the initialization opcode, but the reply was invalid.


Check your network connection. If the network connection is valid, contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: An application association may not issue tpgetrply(TPGETANY) concurrently with tpgetrply for a specific cd


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same Oracle Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls. The first tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for a specific call descriptor. While this call was still outstanding, a second tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for any outstanding call descriptor. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() call wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context. Other valid possibilities also exist.

See Also



ERROR: An application association may not issue multiple concurrent tpgetrply(TPGETANY) calls


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same Oracle Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls with the TPGETANY flag. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() call wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context.

See Also



ERROR: An application association may not issue tpgetrply for a specific cd concurrently with tpgetrply(TPGETANY)


In a multithreaded application, two threads associated with the same Oracle Tuxedo context issued concurrent tpgetrply() calls. The first tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for any outstanding call descriptor. While this call was still outstanding, a second tpgetrply() call tried to retrieve a reply for a specific call descriptor. This is not allowed by the system. As a result, the second tpgetrply() wrote this userlog message and returned -1 with tperrno set to TPEPROTO. The call descriptor specified by the second tpgetrply() call is still valid until retrieved by either the first tpgetrply() call or some tpgetrply() call issued in the future.


Change the coding of the application so that this case does not occur. One possibility is to specify a specific handle on all tpgetrply() calls, which is allowed even if the calls are performed concurrently. Another possibility is to dedicate one thread in each context to retrieve all replies for that context.

See Also



ERROR: Target codeset encoding name not found in TPMBENC environment variable


The TPMBENC environment variable was not defined in the process environment.


Check to make sure TPMBENC is correctly defined wherever codeset encoding conversion is expected.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure during codeset encoding conversion.


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system failed during an MBSTRING codeset encoding conversion attempt.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure during codeset encoding conversion.


An attempt dynamically to reallocate memory from the operating system failed during an MBSTRING codeset encoding conversion attempt.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure during codeset encoding conversion.


An attempt dynamically to reallocate memory from the operating system failed during an MBSTRING codeset encoding conversion attempt.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure during codeset encoding conversion.


An attempt dynamically to allocate memory from the operating system failed during an FLD_MBSTRING codeset encoding conversion attempt.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure during codeset encoding conversion.


An attempt dynamically to reallocate memory from the operating system failed during an FLD_MBSTRING codeset encoding conversion attempt.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine. Increase the space on the swap device.


ERROR: encoding_name not found in list of valid codeset encoding names.


The encoding contained in TPMBENC is not a valid name.


Check that the TPMBENC is set to the codeset encoding name desired. If necessarycreate a chareset.alias file in the APPDIR and add this TPMBENC as an alias to a valid encoding name.


ERROR: Source codeset encoding name not found on buffer


The typed buffer used did not have codeset encoding defined for it.


Use tpsetmbenc() to add the codeset encoding name to this buffer.


ERROR: Cannot use the -d and -b options together


The -d and -b options used in ud are mutually exclusive. The -d option specifies the maximum delay in receiving a reply before timeout and will be deprecated in next release. The -b option will replace it.


Change the arguments to the ud command so that the -d and -b options are not both specified. Re-execute the command.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot use the -t and -b options together


The user specified options to ud that combined the transaction mode option, -t, with the block time option, -b. This is not allowed.


Change the arguments to the ud command so that the -b and -t options are not both specified and reexecute the command.

See Also



ERROR: Option -b argument arg_value is not numeric


The -b option to the ud command specifies the maximum delay time in seconds before timeout. The -b option requires a numeric argument. The option argument was not numeric.


Correct the argument to the ud command so that the -b option has a numeric argument. Re-execute the command.

See Also



ERROR: Option -b argument arg_value is too large


The -b option to the ud command specifies the maximum delay time in seconds before timeout. The -b option requires a numeric argument that is >0 and < 32768.


Correct the argument to the ud command so that the -b option has an allowed numeric argument. Re-execute the command.

See Also



ERROR: Could not initialize encryption of principal password, errno=code


The WS client encountered error with errno 'code' while settint up for encryption. This is a failure of encrypt user supplied private key password through environmental variable.


Contact Oracle Customer Support.


ERROR: Could not encrypt principal password, errno=code


The WS client encountered error with errno 'code' while encrypting password. This is a failure of encrypt user supplied private key password through environmental variable.


Contact Oracle customer Support.


ERROR: Cannot Initialize the Network


The WS client encountered problem while attempting to initialize network susbsystem.


Check ULOG for prior error message to determine the cause of the failure.


INFO: TM_WS_TPINIT_TIMEOUT set to num second(s)


The environmental variable TM_WS_TPINIT_TIMEOUT is set to num seconds. This environmental variable is for tpinit() timeout value.


Informational message, no action required.

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